
RE Coursework - Have I missed anything?

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The question is -

In what way can Christian teachings help somebody who is suffering?

I have the following -

The stories from the Bible

The suffering of Jesus

God is always with them so there is light and hope

However much we are suffering now, is nothing compared to what we will receive in heaven

We will be rewarded for believing in God through the suffering

Have I missed anything?





  2. Romans 8:28 : All things work together for good for those that love the Lord - which means that with hindsight, something good will come out of current sufferings.

    Also the Bible teaches that sufferings are used to mould character so without suffering we would not become who God wants us to be.

  3. Suffering makes us stronger.

    Suffering for your sins, so that you will be rewarded on judgement day.

    God would not let a man suffer unless that suffering had reason.

    RE coursework is a bit simple. They wont always give you marks for facts, you've just got to justify any point you make. So as well as what's above you can ramble on about pre-suffering, post-suffering etc.

  4. Which stories from the Bible do you plan on using?

    Story of Job - suffering happens, but as humans we can never understand why. we just have to accept that God has a plan for us and that it will all be resolved in the end.

    Suffering is good for us - it builds charector. If we are never tested, if everything comes easily to us we do not appreciate it.

    Suffering in others tests us. It allows us to show compassion and Gods love in action (agape).

    Jesus suffered eg the crucifixion, and therefore understands what it is like to suffer. There is no suffering given to us that God does not give us the strength to cope with.

    Use the words from the Psalm 'The Lord is My Shepherd' to illustrate - "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will feel no evil. For thou are with me, thy staff and thy rod they comfort me."

    Hope this helps.

  5. nah! you got it totally wrong. There is nothing like heaven and h**l. You have to suffer for all the sins you do while alive. You can't escape Karma. It traces  you down and god is the one who created karma.  

  6. may be this can be added? [altho' it May overlap with your 3rd point]

    there is a higher power/authority - God as our Father who will forgive our mistakes & heal our souls, welcome us in his arms, take care of us, ....this life is just temporary, a means to meeting the almighty. this belief provides solace & hope to those suffering; makes them forget their troubles & woes.

    and community service. even if one is suffering, bringing joy to others or helping those even worse-off than us, will ease the burden of suffering...

    hope this helps

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