
RE: WHY DID The community decide to vote on my Question?? No one gave me a notice that only one answer came?

by  |  earlier

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A community voted on my Q about the PHEAA; program. I think the Question would have been better left with NO Answer then the A__H___ that wrote such a dumb "OSAMA".

It is an important ? and it should have been told to me to either re-place the ? for MORE INTELLIGENT PEOPLE TO ANSWER IT??




  1. There is no requirement that Yahoo or anyone else tell you there are no answers or only one answer to your question.  I have asked questions that have gotten no responses or fewer responses than I wanted them to get.

    I have on occasion deleted questions under circumstances such as those.  I rarely post more than one question at a time and never more than two, and I monitor them daily or more often.

    Your question could have posted in the wrong category or simply might not have caught many people's attention.  Always check your category and make sure it's correct for the question topic.

    Also, you can e-mail the question to your contacts or other Y!A participants you know.

    If all these are done you might still get a disappointing response.  Pick the best answer you can and press on.  Nobody has to pay money for a failed question or a weak answer, and nobody is going to jail or getting a heavy fine.  All a question costs you is a few points.

    That's the best advice I can give.  I also try to avoid posting obviously partisan political questions or loaded questions.  I don't even like to answer them.

    When I answer a question I like to post an answer that is intelligent, entertaining, sincere, and relevant to the subject matter of the question.  If I can't identify what the question is asking I usually won't answer it.

  2. Yahoo answers lets the community vote on any question after about 3 days unless you ask for an extension to find better answers. People spend time voting because it is fast and easy. All they have to do is go to discover and then click on the vote section find the question they want to vote on and they get a point for clicking any person. If no one is voting it only takes the person who wrote the question to vote for them selves to win. They get 1 point for voting and 10 points for best answer then. I think it is a way of cheating, but only stumbled on this by accident. I thought I would try and vote for the best answer to a question that had been asked. I had actually forgot about the question as the person must have asked for extensions as it was over a month later. When voting you can not see who wrote the answer you can just read the answer. I voted for the question and I got an email saying I had best answer. I clicked to see for what question and I remembered voting for it. I was thank full that the person who asked also picked my answer so it made me feel better.

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