
RE busses, OKAY then, A B C or D then - when the bus stops and it's time to get off Do you?

by  |  earlier

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A). Thank the driver, get off and go home nice and quietly?

B). Think OMG thank goodness I've arrived in one piece (like I do sometimes)?

C). Stay on it a little while longer and travel another 10 miles because the person you fancy is still there and you think he or she wants to make lurve to you on the bus?

D). You're a boring old f**t safe person and you don't use the bus but drive an expensive something or other instead?


E). A - N - OTHER - please comment.




  1. a.

    Because my bus is really small and my bus driver is really considerate- if he sees I am walking down the road along the bus route, he stops to let me on as he knows I normally get the bus.

  2. E. I travel everywhere via transporter or space shuttle

  3. When I get on, i say hello and introduce myself. Then we are on 1st name terms, then I state my destination. When I get off I say thanks to ted/jim/bob and wish him a nice day.



    Edit! Dave D, I didnt see your response when I posted my answer, although it looks like I did!!

  4. Since I am A professional bus driver here's what I think:

    Stay seated until the bus comes to a complete stop and then(A) Thank the driver, get off and go home nice and quietly.

    Because you made it home Safely....

  5. scottie... beam me sideways...BUT CAP'N WE'RE LOW ON DILITHIUM CRYSTALS AND...dammitt scottie it's cold at this bus stop...AYE CAP'N BUT I CANNA GUARANTEE YOU'LL MAKE IT ALL THE WAY TO SEPPIE'S HOUSE...

    she's right next to (above actually) me you nutball!!!! CALM DOWN JIM...sorry..i'm freezen myarseoff ifyanowhatimean...,

  6. A. Thank the driver, get off and go home nice and quietly

  7. Thank the driver, get off and go home nice and quietly......................

  8. other, try kiss the driver only to be met against stab proof plastic, whenever my car dont work, get on the bus, they go real fast if you sit at the back and havnt been on one for a while, get chance to read magazine, BLISS

  9. i'm from Bristol where it is compulsory to finish a bus journey with the words "cheers drive!"

  10. because I am a bus driver I have to stay on untill I have finished the route,

    it is nice when a passenger thanks me for a safe drive and tells me to have a good day

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