
READ QUICKLY!!how to connect bose 901 speakers using.....?

by Guest56630  |  earlier

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i currently bose 901 speakers

901 series active equilizer

onkyo reciever

and onkyo 6 disc cd changer

please answer i really need help!




  1. Simple, set the Onkyo to do 2.0 and hook your main left and right outputs to the 901 EQ then to the speakers. Hook everything else to the receiver. You don't say how old your receiver is but if it's that old you will need to upgrade it eventually. Looks like you might want to get a DVD player and a screen too but you don't need it all right now. Thats how I built my system up, a little at a time. I got a Sony receiver and ran it in 2.0 till I could afford some better speakers. The jump from 2.0 to 5.1 was incredible.

  2. Your Bose's EQ will have 2 difference ways of connecting to your Onkyo reciever.

    (TAPE RECORDER CONNECTIONS)  You will have the choice of using the Tape loop inputs and outputs.  This will require you to press the tape monitor button on your receiver to allow this EQ unit to play.  

    (AMPLIFIER CONNECTION)  The other option is to put this EQ in line with a external power amp.   This will require (RCA Pre-Out Jacks) from your Left and Right Main speakers.  Not all receiver have RCA Pre-outs, this is usually a option on a mid to high level ( COST ) unit.  You will have to check the back and see before you consider this.

    ** If it's an older 2 channel receiver, you may have a Pre-Out to Main-In input that uses 2 steel Jumper bars to carry the pre audio signal.  If that's the case, just remove these jumpers and install the EQ's inputs and outputs.

  3. Hi There...

    Your first response is incorrect...He obviously has no experience with the 901 system...Please read this:

    The Bose 901's come with a stand-alone EQ that MUST be used with these speakers...This EQ is line level and must be hooked up before the power amp section of the receiver...Most 901 listeners have separates which makes this an easy task...With a receiver it gets kinda tricky:

    What you have to do to make it work with a receiver is hook it up as a "record loop"...This means that you take the ouput on the receiver marked "Tape Out" or "Record Out" and connect that to the input of the EQ...Then take the output of the EQ and connect that to the "Record In" or "Tape In" of the receiver...It is essential that your receiver have this feature, or it will not work...

    The receiver should now be set to whichever input source you want to listen to (CD, tuner, DVD, etc) AND the record option MUST be turned on by selecting the "Tape" or "Record" source...It may look like you've selected two simultaneous sources, but what you're really doing is listening to the (CD, tuner or DVD) THROUGH this created record loop...

    Which 901s do you have?..I still have a pair of Series 1's circa 1969...I love them...CP

    If you email me your receiver's model number, I'll look at the software myself and interpret the Onkyo nomenclature...

    Happy Listening...

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