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Ok I need a bit of perspective here - I'm really depressed because I got a D for my chemistry VCE exam (mid year) and .. I was wondering whether it's still possible to fix that so that I get a 30 study score?

I can't believe my failure - I've never gotten something so low in my life and ITS A YEAR 12 exam mark. help please - what can I do?




  1. Its not really going to effect your grade average that badly, its only one score in your entire 4 years. It will have only a slight influence on your overall gpa.

    When you get to college, they dont use your grades for placement, they use placement tests, so it really doesnt matter.

  2. Don't be that sad - it's not your grade that matters. It's what you learned that really counts. Just be better next time.

  3. hey! dont call urself a failure.

    i know it's tempting, i've been there, trust me, but it's better to just let that one go and keep at it. never give up. i can tell u countless times ive given up in a class and later realized after the semester was over that i couldve actually gotten that "A."

    don't live your live in a bunch of "could have's" u'll feel much better if you try your butt off and get an A then not trying and failing!

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