
RED TUSH on baby?

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i babysit my little cousin and she has had a rash on her tush ever sence she was little but it has gotten worse. we have tried triple paste and the ped gave her a cream but it still wont go away it is rised and red on her tush and then in between her legs it is pink with deep red along the edges of it i feel so bad for her because it does itch and hurt her she just turned two two days ago and any help would be greatly appreciated thanks




  1. I agree.  Go to docs.  It could be a yeast infection or something else like an allergy,

    Make sure it is clean and keep diaper off to get air to it so it will heal better.  Avoid the ointments for only when diaper is on.  Cleanse it gently, often and pat dry.

  2. Take her back to the doctor and see if he can prescribe her an antibiotic to take along with the cream

  3. You could see if her pediatrician will refer her to a dermatologist or you could look a dermatologist up yourself and explain to them what is going on.. I'm sure they will bring her right in and get to the bottom of this.. But until then just help keep her dry and clean and try not to let her touch it or bother it.. I hope this works..

  4. My niece had the same problem so her mother went to the pharmacist and they  mixed together some Coltar and Lassers cream it worked a treat and within 2 days she was completly healed,i hope it works for your little cousin...Good luck

  5. at walmart you can buy boudreaux's butt paste i works very well.

  6. mom should get a new ped. period since this one is not helpful

    or ask to see a dermatologist

    I'm curious though if maybe it's a wetness rash and she need powder instead of cream

    make sure her butt is clean and dry before replacing the diaper

    it sounds like a standard diaper rash that just isn't being treated properly

    it could be an allergic reaction so try changing wipes and diaper brands

  7. Did you ever think about going to the doctor?

    They will give you antibiotics and cream to take care of that.

  8. Diaper rash doesn't last TWO years. I would say she is allergic to something she is eating.  Milk? Wheat? I would take her off milk, especially now that she is two, and see how that goes. Keep a food diary of what she eats and drinks. Citrus fruits can be caustic on skin. It might be a combo of more than one thing. I agree with the people saying to get a new Pediatrician. The one she has now is a f'in idiot if they did not recommend other options, especially over TWO years!!!!! I hope she gets better! Poor baby!

  9. Go to the drug store & ask for Burrow's Solution.  It comes in powder form. Follow directions external use only.  After compresses of this then apply some A&D ointment.  It will work miracles!  Good luck & that is sweet that you are so concerned for this little one!
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