
RED faced!!!!!!??????

by  |  earlier

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ok so here is the thing, every time i work out or do p.e. or practice poms or volleyball, i get really really really really really red in the face. i mean really. i just want to know if there is any way to cover this up or prevent it from happening in the first place.




  1. Are you breathing?  Some people who hold their breath end up red in the face.  Take a nice deep breath -- count to five while inhaling -- when you have a break and then exhale slowly, also counting to five.

    You also just might have a genetic tendency to get red when you're exerting yourself.  My cheeks turn an extremely deep pink during long rallies, which just means my heart is pumping like crazy!  :)

  2. hire somebody to fan you?

  3. It means your hot.

    You can't help it.

  4. It might have something to do with the circulation of your blood while you have increased activity. That generally happens to people who aren't active a lot, and then they work out hard or do a strenuous activity.  
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