
RED slider about lightning and over heating and over feeding?

by  |  earlier

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I have a RED slider female 7 months they require ultra vilot tube i have it but i does not know what is it A or B. Its an Ultra vilot shoul i keep for her or no. IF i keep then how many hour they requir . I have not given a basking area. Her shell is not on shap for many months may be for 2 to 3 months. her shell which have a dark black part os litle more growing and the green part which is between is in shape is small. It may be because of over heating or over feeding.

I stay at india where i cant get any thing . i only only only fed pellets about 15 a day. I know its totally wrong. Please only telll me how much at a time and howmany a day to be feed pellets.

I am not getting any non veg items for red slider not even blood eorms , or any other. I am only getting worms but shop keepers told me this only ment for fish not for turtles. For 7 months i only feed pellets .And her shell is growing the black part is grown too much and the green part is less grown. It can be naturall




  1. Black shell is not good but your turtle seems to be surviving it. If you use the ultrviolet light, just keep it on during the daytime and turn it off at night. Your turtle should have a ramp and basking place to allow it to leave the water.

    Feed it as much as it will eat at one time, then stop until the next feeding. Young turtles should be fed twice per day at first, then cut back to once per day and gradually changed to  once per week (summer) to once per month (winter) as adults.

    Bloodworms will not hurt your turtle but live food is better: earthworms, fishes (not goldfish), and soft-bodied insects. When you can't get live food, try strips of liver dusted in bonemeal.


    this should help your answer.

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