
REDSOX NYY METS!Which one do I root for i kinda always liked the sawx and mets but now my dad wants the me 2..

by  |  earlier

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like the NYY im so confused i like the sawx but im from

NY so people will get mad at me and say bandwagoner and i really never got into baseball this year so i need help who to decide!




  1. omg your such a bandwagon fan just dont root for anyone.

  2. Red Sox of Course Don't root for New York Teams, Root for New England

  3. Dude, you gotta pick this on your own. You gotta figure out which one you really like and if you can't, you're not a real fan of baseball.

    But since you asked...Lets Go Mets!!!

  4. What's the point of this, man?

  5. You already asked this!!!! Plus..its Red Sox. Two words.

  6. Mets Rule! They are AMAZING! Yankees are bad and g*y and full of themselves and most yankee fans are stuck up. I LOVE the mets and i like anyone who beats or hates the yankees.

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