
RELIGION POLL/SURVEY: Do Christians dislike g**s, Muslims, or atheists/agnostics the most?

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Out of the three, which one do they dislike the most?




  1. I don't think they do favoritism; they hate anyone, who isn't like them, equally.

    They believe in invisible sky critters; how could I possibly know how they think?


  2. I dislike bigots the most, actually.  So if a person who is g*y, Muslim, atheist, agnostic, Jewish, Hindu, Zoroastrian, or Christian happens also to be a bigot -- welcome to my list.

  3. THIS Christian is sick of POLITICIANS.

  4. Isn't funny how Jesus tells his people to love others but most g*y haters are christians?

  5. You forget Apostates..

    Those are people who leave the faith.. That really cheeses people off.

  6. It's only some Christians who are like this.  Don't lump all of us together as though we all think/believe the same thing. That's not fair.

    From what I can gather in my reading of some so-called Christian writings, it seems that their dislike is equal for g**s, Muslims, atheists/agnostics.  The general belief of these "Christians" is that g**s, Muslims, atheists/agnostics are automatically consigned to the flames of h**l, there to become eternal french fries evidently for the amusement of their very angry god.

  7. I'm a Catholic and love all three...

    *Twilight Zone music plays*

  8. As individuals, none.  Collectively?  Toss-up.

  9. Deeds before creeds

  10. g**s

    trust me, i know

    they respect atheists for their choice

    but hate g*y people because of how they were born

  11. Us christians should love all as the bible says. I do not dislike these people but love them why do you think we preach to them that there souls are going to spend an eternity in h**l????????????

  12. Since I'm an atheist, that makes me a 100% inerrant mindreader on people's thoughts, feelings, and motives, I'll say....g**s!

    I'm Atheist!

  13. Speaking as a Christian, we are not taught to distinguish people like that, but we all know that it happens anyway. For myself, I'll have to go with Muslims for this reason. Atheists talk a lot of smack online and g**s occasionally march on Washington, but neither one of them is blowing up buildings or otherwise killing others over their ideas.

  14. The answer would be the Mormons.

    That's right, the Mormons...


  15. ummm


    if i dislike people, its not b/c  of a title

  16. In my experience, their self-loathing ranks amongst the top for them

  17. I am commanded to love all people and I really try because I know that God created them and He loves them enough to have sent His precious Son, Jesus to die for their sins and mine!

    I love the sinner but hate their sin.  I pray that they will all see their sins and ask forgiveness just as I have done.  My sins were no better than anyone elses - Sin is sin and needs forgiveness if they ever want to see paradise!

  18. Kittens

  19. why would they dislike them?  

  20. They really, really dislike the g*y atheist. or even worse is the g*y atheist, ex-Muslim.

    Honestly, some just seem to dislike anyone who doesn't think just like them.

  21. Sin is sin! We all do it.

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