
RELIGION - open your eyes?

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they say the road to h**l

is paved with good intentions

are the stairs to heaven laid upon

deceit and misconceptions

Jesus loves all children

provided they abide

by two thousand year old stories

told by those who left his side

when he spoke of love

I think he meant it for all colors

and if you believe in Eden

you must realize we are brothers

please tell me what to do

stand, kneel, pray, sing

be humble and be fearful

don't dare question anything

God was our one true father

today it's every priest

are we to think of them as earth-bound gods

though some don't practice what they preach

when Jesus passed the torch to us

we held it high with hope and pride

but while we faught for his ideals

we set our own morals aside

thou shalt not kill

unless they disagree

place upon their head a crown of thorns

the truth will set them free

Do you get what I am trying to say?

I am not against the true idea and meaning of religion, but I am so against the mockery and sham it has become.




  1. Yes, I get what you are saying.

    Man is fallen and unfortunately will distort what they read to get what they want rather than what the Bible teaches.

    Lostness of Man

    Evidence of this is found in that we see Barna Research saying that only 15% of the American Christians read their Bible even weekly.   They have no idea what God is about or what Jesus said or did but have proclaimed themselves Christians.  They never use the instruction manual (Bible) and yet proclaim themselves the experts.  We are each responsible for our own learning and we each are responsible for our own actions and if you look at Matthew 7 verse 21 you can see a sad day for many.

    Matthew 7:21

    "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

    May you learn truth.


  2. Poems are most profound when filled with truth and passion.I completely share the sentiment.(You might have noticed..)

  3. Thanks for spouting your opinion, but if you aren't religious, then just don't be religious.  You don't really need to go around shouting it to the whole world.

  4. Your head is pointing the right direction.  I don't particularly like poetry to be used this way since it is trying to make a rational argument and prose is much better for this purpose.  When you do poetry you should be trying to put as much imagery into as small a package as possible.  Use colors and descriptions as much as possible and, finally, don't stick to rhyme unless you have a particular meter in mind.  Modern poetry does not require rhyme schemes.  

    Religion is for unthinking sheep, not men.  

    You are just a tad defensive.  No one asked you to post your poem and you are not asking a question.  I, at least, tried to be honestly constructive in my criticism.  What grade are you in?  Or what year of college?  Keep thinking, writing and working.  Give that 50 years to simmer and you will have something there.  Good luck.

  5. yes i do, the other day I was going down the raod and I seen this church it was the biggest church I have ever seen. It had one of those big motion signs out in the front and a cafe/book store in it. I didnt like what I saw. infact made me down right mad I hate what religion has become. My husband works construction and he seid that church cost an estimated 10 million dollars and all I have is how many children they could have fed for that money. Christian people look at me like i am scum, I love that poem it spoke what I have been wonting to say for a long time.  

  6. Roses are red,

    Violets are blue.

    What is your question?

    I haven't a clue.

  7. First of all, Religion is only the first layer.  Some people don't abide by what they do.  The priests in Christianity were only brought to the news because Christianity is the most supported religion in the world.  They set the example for everyone else.  Do you think that kind of thing only happens in that Religion?  Nope.  Morality is what determines a man's action.  Some people use Religion as their guide and SOMETIMES it helps to make their lives better, but not all of the time.

    Yeah, there are some exceptions to the rules.  It all comes down to what YOU are willing to do.  People should stop slamming religion and call out the PEOPLE in the equation.

  8. Investigate the work of Rene Girard.

  9. I hear you but Nietzsche made the best rebuttal to your argument: "Don't blame Christianity on Christ."

  10. NEWS: This is a religious poem, any thing that is to do with a god is religion. It has nothing to do with philosophy. Philosophy is about reality. I think you need to learn what philosophy is.

    DO YOU GET WHAT I AM SAYING? Yes - and its rubbish

  11. Well said! Your composition?

  12. If we are to believe Scripture, including the Holy Quran, fallen angels have played a part in corrupting and distorting Spirit, Truth.

    "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,

    "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,

    "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck.

  13. yes, i know what your talking abaut, when jesus was in the old testament jesus was a republican, declaring war, violent, he even told moses to stone a lady, and he gave such harsh order to destroy children, woman, animals and life stocks WTF????

    and in the new testament hes a democrat, telling people to love and forgive, if they tear your side burn dont fight back rather tell that person to tear the other side burn???? WTF ???? i cant belive people belive that BS

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