
REPUBLICANS: HOW CAN you be pro-life AND support the death penalty??

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Do not mistake this for a bashing. I am honestly interested in your reasoning.

When it comes to abortions it is argued that we do not have the right to play God and EVERY life is precious.

I already know what some will say. “babies are innocents lives and criminals are not”

Really? With today’s justice system? … So , what about the people that were found innocent after they were put to death? Ooops??

For every innocent person that we know was put to death, there are so many more that we will never know of.

Either you can play God or you can’t. You can't have it both ways.

BTW: I had a very close loved one who was murdered. He was an innocent man and was shot in the head for nothing. I do not wish for his murderer to be executed. Two wrongs would not make it right.




  1. Your argument is weak.  To compare babies to criminals is never going to work with anyone.  Farther more, to assume that innocent victims are put on death row is a stretch.  We can agree that some people are jailed for crimes they did not commit (although most have committed other crimes).  However, in order to get on death row, you need more evidence of the crime and you need multiple crimes, and you need the crimes to be of a sever nature (multiple murders in the 1st degree).

    So your argument is comparing a person who has been proven to murder multiple people -vs- new born baby?

    Wow, Good luck with that.

  2. And your opinion?

    Kill unborn babies and spare the mass murderers?  Child rapists?

    I'm well aware of abortion with an acceptable reason with common sense.  I'm well aware of back alley abortions prior to Roe:Wade.

    But millions?  Jaysus.  Ever heard of tied tubes?  A simple procedure, eh?

  3. It is called punishing the guilty and protecting the innocent.

    The democrats kill the innocent and protect the guilty.

    Twisted for sure!

  4. How can one claim to be "pro-life" and be against universal healthcare, welfare, education, and any form of gun control?

    Consistency is not a Republican strong suit.

  5. or war? it seems to me what ever makes things harder for other peoples families is what they want.

  6. You have to understand that people who are pro-life and for pro-death penalty, are taking this stance with the ideal that the death penalty is instituted effectively. You already realize that the major distinction is between innocent lives and those who have committed heinous crimes. I completely understand how people can make this distinction and have this stance. I'm pro-choice and support the death penalty. However, there are many people who are pro-choice and anti-death penalty. That is just the same. It's saying that it is okay to kill unborn children, but not okay to kill disgusting murderers. People make distinctions and decisions that work for them, and sometimes these decisions aren't in complete accord.  

  7. They should first put the embryo on trial.  Then if convicted they should give a due punishment.

  8. I am pro life in all aspects, not selectively and most true Christians are the same. Many pro abortionists are against the death penalty so that is hypocrisy as well. I am against abortion and the death penalty. Both are playing God and I am not powerful enough to make decisions on either.

  9. I'm republican and I'm 100% against killing babies in the womb, it will go down just like slavery did.

    I'm against the death penalty

  10. The Christian tenet is to turn the other cheek.  Though few Christians follow that rule.

    Yet according to the Hebrew scriptures that make up the Bible, you become a life when you take the first breath after you are born.

    So to claim to protect life, no mention of conception as life in the Bible, is ludicrous.

    To also claim to support the Death Penalty when God himself said, "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.."   Well if you want to defy God and seek vengeance on your own....don't expect to get to Heaven.

    Few follow the Christian tenets of the Bible, "Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good”,  Therefore if your enemy hungers, feed him”. (Romans 12:21/20)

    Hatred and intolerance is all anti-God and ant-Christian.

    "love thy enemy" many Christians can actually do that?

  11. Indeed, two wrongs do not make a right.  Not to mention that the inflicting the death penalty on someone costs more to the tax payers than letting the b******s rot in jail.  I'm not sure how the so-called "fiscal conservatives" can justify that one.

    I'd even more like to know how they can support war.  They've killed over 4000 innocent Americans so far (and countless more innocent Iraqis).  The pro-life people seem to be only pro-life for those who are not even people yet.  Once they're born they no longer seem to care.

  12. You are responsible for your actions.  If they include murder then you must pay for them.

    Simple as that.

    "What you sow so shall you reap '. Nothing to do with playing God but rather obeying the law of those in government who put the laws in place.

  13. They are hypocritical.  They say 'what gives pro-choice individuals the right to play God and take away a human life?'  Well, I say what gives them the right to take away a human life via the death penalty?  It is the same thing.  In both instances humans are playing God.  Allow the child to live?  Allow the prisoner to live?  They both hold one commonality.  Human life!  

  14. Because the term "Pro-Life" refers to an opposition to abortion and has nothing to do with the death penalty.  Also, a lot of people don't consider convicted felons "innocent people."  I don't like it much either, but that's the way things are in this country right now.

    Also, due to overly-strict drug laws, our nation's prisons are already over-burdened with minor drug offenders and innocent people considered guilty of "conspiracy to sell drugs."  There isn't even enough room for the prisoners that *aren't* on Death Row as it is.

  15. You said it already

    “babies are innocents lives and criminals are not”

    But you are right that the justice system does not work right sometimes.

    The death penalty should only be allowed in the most extreme cases & there should be special care to make sure a person isn't exicuted unfairly.

    That does not only mean a person who is totally innocent, but in cases when a person is charged & convicted with more than what is the crime indicates.

    I know someone serving life in jail when she deserved no more than 20 years.

  16. We know for 100% sure the baby was innocent.

    This logic is good enough for me.

  17. I've answered this question so many times. You should have searched the question archives.

    Babies = innocent, haven't harmed anyone

    Murderers = bad, killed another human

    edit: I read the question just fine. I still agree with the death penalty. If you knew anything, you'd know that not many states have it. Mine doesn't.


  18. Lets see...innocent babies being killed, or murderers? Gee, thats a tough one!

  19. They're not pro-life - -they're pro-BIRTH. Once the kid's out, it's on its own.

  20. I'm not Republican so I can't answer the them but you have raised a very good question.  I've always been very curious about this myself.  While Bush was Governing TX I heard their was as many as 80 people put to death.  It's to gain votes, it's all for politics.  It just goes to show their double standards.    

  21. Undoubtedly people will turn to the argument that fetus' are innocent while criminals are not. However if one supports the death penalty one must also accept the fact that on occasion an innocent person will be put to death. Since the death penalties return in the 70's there have been hundreds of people on death row exonerated with DNA evidence.

    Therefore supporting the death penalty is supporting the murder of innocents. Penn and Teller did a great episode about this on their show "Bullshit".

    So to answer your question it seems to me you cannot rationally be both Pro-life and Pro-death.

  22. I remember the Polly Klaus case like it was yesterday.  A sicko broke into her bedroom during a sleep-over and took her, raped her and then killed her.  He deserves to live?  He took her innocent life from her and I am darn sure I will not support him in prison while she never had a chance at a future.  Those innocent killers had their day in court and lost, they have plenty of opportunity to prove their case with appeals, so no I do not believe innocent people are executed.  Maybe less then 1% and that is taking into account the legal system flaws that took place 20+ years ago.  Now with the accuracy of forensic science leaves no chance for error.  Scott Peterson not only killed his wife who was due to deliver, yet he tied her down with cement and plopped her in the ocean life a piece of trash- he does not deserve to live while she and her child did not have the chance to live.      

  23. Hooray for you and your question. You just got starred! I feel the same way! Capitol punishment is premeditated murder.

  24. I'm against both.....then again, I'm an independent.  

  25. It's hypocrisy..nothing more. Our legal system (can't really call it a "justice" system) is broken. The Inncence Project has helped to release well over a hundred people who were wrongly imprisoned.  We should get rid of the death penalty.

    Who knows how many thousands of innocent men, women and children that we've killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't hear anyone talking about them.

    I think the morons are the ones who don't see the bigger picture and are unwilling to acknowlege that our system allows the innocent to be convicted.  When an innocent is put to death then it becomes state sanctioned murder.

    Sometimes it seems that being anti-abortion is equal to being anti-woman.

    buffytou - They don't seem to mind corporate welfare, never - under any circumstances - help the poor.

    To Serve has no idea what he's talking about.


    If you agree that killing the innocent is wrong, I take it you are prolife?

    "Either you can play God or you can’t. You can't have it both ways." Actually God said eye for an eye. But if you consider ending a life playing God and wrong, again I assume you are prolife?

    I am sure that some innocent people have been executed, though with our scientific advancements it happens seldomly. I am sure all executed babies are innocent. Baby rapers are not.

    The single most selfish act a person can do is murder to serve oneself. Now take a murder because the life is "inconvenient" and what do you have?

    Now let's completely disregard the rights of the other person responsible fopr the creation of the life and destroy their offspring. If it were the other way around, the fems would scream their heads off and there would be laws to protect fathers.

    If you don't want to be pregnant, don't s***w, bc fails sometimes. And now with Plan B, what excuse is there to wait 3 months then decide the unprotected s*x was a mistake.

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