
RHHers, what do you think of being too good?

by  |  earlier

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That is messed up, and to think it happened where I used to live....




  1. there is so many things wrong with that

    first a 40 mph pitch will not kill a kid or cause serious damage if it does the batter shouldnt be playing

    why disband the whole team?? just move him up or dont allow him to pitch banning him is retarded

    just because your team loses... too freaking bad quit complaining and shut up this isnt 5 year olds LL

  2. I heard about this earlier today.  I think it is screwed up.

  3. Yeah, Is that legal? Thats so F'D up. I feel bad for the kid

  4. its BS do you expect kids to get better if you dont put them up against the best???.....40 mph is solid but not overwhelming for that age....thats the Minors category and at the next level Majors, kids can reach up to 70-80 mph i was watchin the LLWS....let the kid play and pitch....its not his fault the rest of the league is full of cupcakes and overprotective parents

    EDIT: What if his dream is to play ball? Then this will definetly hinder that....and make him 2nd guess his committment and effort...

  5. I heard about this. This happened in my city. It's sad. And quite stupid.

  6. i can kind of understand y he's probably embarrassing all the other kids, but still its not his problem maybe they should try to get better.

  7. Not being the pitcher of his lil league team isnt gonna kill him you know

  8. Ugh just let the kid play! If he's this good at this age he'lll be amazing in a few years!

  9.    It happens all the time...the people who vote you out are usually next in line, or the parents of,  in this case. Jealousy...envy...who knows why some asinine decisions are made. It sucks to be great sometimes...:)

  10. That's BULLSHlT, that kid is talented, they should just let him play

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