
RIDDLE, a lot better than the carpet one, honest. :)?

by Guest56624  |  earlier

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A man hangs dead in a room. There are no doors, no windows, in fact no means of entrance or exit. He is wearing nothing but a tie, and hanging by the tie from a lighbulb, 20 metres from the ground below him. There is nothing in the room by which he could have got up there. The only things in the room are the man, the tie, the lightbulb and a puddle of water beneath his dangling body.

How did the man die???

(ANSWER IN 25 minutes precisely, be there !!!)




  1. block of on saw 4

    plz answer mine if you like Family Guy

  2. ice cube...i know this one.

    he stode on a huge ice block, and waited for the ice to melt. ow!

  3. haha old riddle.

    he was standing on a block of ice with the noose around his neck. the ice melted then he died.

  4. i know he was standing on a block of ice !!!! sorry if i have ruined it !!

  5. he stood on a block of ice and hanged himself

  6. one question

    how did the guy get in there in the firstt place

    and how does anybody know that he was inside

  7. def. a block of ice lol

  8. how does anyone get a large block of ice?


  9. its obvious, but saying their are no windows and doors, in fact no means of entry or exit, how did he get in the room. seems like a

    bigger puzzle than the one you asked. i can only suggest they built the building around him eh

  10. hung himself by standing on a block of ice.

  11. He was standing on a block of ice :)

  12. he stood on a block of ice 2 hang him self

  13. Er.... Did he use a block of ice, stand on it, tie himself up. Then the ice melts and leaves the puddle?  

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