
RIDE KINK 147 or 152?

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5'8" 120 pounds




  1. id go 147 for sure - the kink boards are meant to be ridden a bit shorter than usual anyway, and your pretty light for 5'8"

  2. 152 for sure.

    147 would be good for certain things. But it would be useless for others. You need to have a big enough board that you can get around with, and do some jumps and such.

    152's still small enough to jib with, but big enough for smooth riding.

  3. I second the 147. It is a jibbing board, good for park, and a 151 would be too long for you.

  4. it really depends on what you want to do with your board but i would go 147 cuz i like to stay in the free style parks!

  5. 147 man, you'll be able to throw it around like crazy which, i assume, is what your wanting since you are going for the kink.  A warning though is since you are kinda light, if your growing at all you could grow out of it rather quickly.  But its whatever you wanna do man.  The board will be killer until that time comes.

    This board is legit too.  Slimewalls, cleave edge, twin tip, basically all the best tech when your looking for a freestyle board.

  6. Also depends on riding style and experience, but assuming you are planning on riding mostly freestyle on that freesytle board, I think that around 145 would be the right size unless you are still growing or gaining muscle weight and want to grow into a bigger board. You are very light for 5'8" and if you think you will stay that way then go for the smaller board.

    Use a snowboard calculator:

    Good Luck

  7. 147 unless you ride at a park that have two or three 40-50ft. jumps like 20ft apart on a pritty much flat hill like my mountain id jump up to a 152 you'd be suprised how much faster you will go

  8. Well for the park the 147 fer sure.
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