
RIP Eight Belles....she had the heart of a champion.?

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angelswrappedinfur- Thank you for the poem




  1. yes...........but the ankles of a toothpick...........

  2. it's disgusting! the news people don't even care about her!

    she ran her heart out by force not want.

    & what does she get??

    a cold hole in the ground & not even a moment of silence for the poor dear.

    i'm fukking crying right now, i hate the world.

    i hate people.

    i don't know why i watch the dam race.


    the saddest story of the year, & hardly a passing glance by the media.

  3. i know i am so sad and i think this race needs to stop, every year a horse is killed over MONEY. how sick and sad. i am so sad and this race really needs to stop.

    & whats worse is there's NOTHING on the news about it, i hate this world. i hate america.

  4. I found this online after posting my thoughts to another forum here.

    It made my eyes well up again and that lump in my throat came back.  This is for Eight Belles and all the other beautiful horses who gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives because they had no other choice, and knew no other way than the life of a race horse.

    A Horse's Prayer

    Feed me, give me water, and care for me, and when the day's

    work is done, give me shelter, a clean bed and a wide stall.

    Talk to me. Your voice often substitutes for the reins for me.

    Be good to me and I will serve you cheerfully and love you.

    Don't jerk the reins and don't raise the whip.

    Don't beat or kick me when I don't understand you,

    but rather give me time to understand you.

    Don't consider it disobedience if I don't follow your commands.

    Perhaps there is a problem with my saddle and bridle or hooves.

    Check my teeth if I don't eat, maybe I have a toothache.

    You know how that hurts.

    Don't halter me too short and don't dock my

    tail... it's my only weapon against flies and mosquitoes.

    And at the end, dear master, when I am no longer any use to you,

    don't let me go hungry or freeze and don't sell me.

    Don't give me a master who slowly tortures me to death and lets me starve,

    but rather be merciful and take care of me,

    by letting me run and enjoy a warm pasture.

    Let me request this of you and please don't regard it as disrespectful

    if I ask it in the name of Him who was born in a stable like me.


    (author unknown).

  5. Yes she did.

    As soon as they pointed the camera at her laying down on the track my eyes filled with tears.

    It broke my heart seeing her laying there, and then hearing she broke both ankles.. just breaks my heart.

    Then on top of that, being SO excited that my favorite {Big Brown} won! I was soo happy and it was hard to celebrate it!

    RIP Eight Belles♥

    But GREAT job Big Brown♥

  6. She was a wonderful filly.  She ran an amazing race in the Derby.  She loved running so much that she ran herself to death.  It's a shame to lose such a wonderful horse... she had a great racing future.  I feel miserable.  I don't want to hear anything about the Derby... I feel sick about Eight Belles.

  7. Yes she did, it just makes me so sad that they euthanized her.

    RIP Eight Belles

  8. How can anyone celebrate when a horse is laying on her back? Animals don't know what is going on, thats what is sad. She was probably just thinking "I'm hurt, when can I go home?"

    I used to bet this sport like crazy and even worked at a track for 6 summers when I was in school, now it makes me sick to my stomach to watch this sport.

    R.I.P. girl!

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