
RIP Tony Snow. So who is going to be the first Lib to say something nasty about him?

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After all, he did work for Both Bush Administrations.




  1. Kudos to you. You used his death as a chance to dig at liberals. Way to politicize a man's death.

    Reply from Swearfinger77:   Thanks fat eddie, I phrased it this way so that hopefully the people like you wont say classless things. Which it worked, You got confused and targeted your nastiness at me instead of Snow. Predictable to a fault you are.

    Me: Thanks for your response swearfinger but who said I'm  a liberal? Political affiliation aside, I'm just pointing out hipocracy.

    Moose, this was most likely meant for you, not me

    Reply from swearfinger77: Teds not dead. And nevermind.

  2. funny last name?

    seriously i havent got a clue who the guy is...i dont live in america.

  3. The Liberals love Tony Snow.  He was a good person.  Intelligent, also.

  4. I believe it was "Vote Barr" earlier this morning...but thankfully his rude question was removed...after he sent me an extremely nasty e-mail. But what else can you expect?

  5. And he did it with class, intelligence and humor.  Indeed, rest in peace, Mr. Snow.  We never agreed but you were a fine man.  

    BTW, Mr. Snow was only 53 - please, everyone who is over 50 needs to have a colonoscopy to check for colon cancer.  Let's stop this killer.

  6. Sounds like a weatherman's name.

    I guess he chose the wrong job.

  7. I don't speak ill of the dead.

    My observation of your point regarding classless liberals is:

    -the conservative Republican reaction on YA to Teddy Kennedy's illness.

  8. Rip Tony Snow you will be missed.

  9. bush killed tony snow because he was banging Laura

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