
RISING LEO! What do we look like?

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I am pretty short at 5' 3''. I have very large, round brown eyes{my best feature}. Pin strait brown hair. The texture is very fine and soft like baby hair. I have little, soft hairs that grow down the back of my neck. My neck is long and elegant looking. My chin is pointed. I have somewhat wide shoulders and narrow hips. I look strong. My skin is pale. though I can tan. I have freckles on my cheeks and nose. My lips are short and pouty. My cheekbones are high. I have quit a large protruding forehead. My nostrils flair when I'm upset. My hands and fingers are very feminine. My feet and toes are are short and compact.

Do I look like a typical Leo rising?




  1. my moms a rising leo ,shes the total opposite,

    mabe it also has to do with your sun sign?

  2. Yes, besides the hair. Remember, the planets that are in your first house also effect your appearance. By your description alone, I can tell you're leonine.

  3. IM A LEO THE LION 2 but sorry idk

  4. Leo rising tend to look cat like, and you do have some of those features. Flaring nostrils is a cat like, think of a wild cat before it attacks. Wide shoulders and chest and a big head are common. Almond eyes are also common, which makes me wonder if you sun sign is water or earth. Leos are often short. Having a mane of hair is common to, which goes back to what I wonder about.  

    Overall, you do have some of the characteristics.

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