
RNC flashback - Bush 2000-2004?

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Aren't these the same enthusiastic people that brought Bush?

Inflation.War. Job loss. Devalued US Dollar. Housing Crisis. International disgrace. One of the most corrupt gov't in American History. Etc. Etc.

Can anyone say, "Coo Coo for Cocoa Puffs?"

Does the RNC scare the c**p out of anyone?




  1. no no and no

  2. That's true. The RNC: the same audience/crowd that shepherded in the 8 year Bush disaster.  Should they have anything to say or be trusted on anything, let alone mocking others? I don't think so.

  3. To begin with, I didn't vote for Bush in the 2000 primary.  I voted for Pete Wilson, then-Gov. of California.  Bush was too liberal for me for one thing, and for another thing, I didn't believe he was qualified to be President based on nothing much other than he was the son of a former President.  Guess what?  I was right.

    However, I voted for him because there was no way in h**l I was going to sell out every value, every idea, every feeling and every philosophy I had to vote for Gore.  Gore is the embodiment of every single thing in life I despise.  For me to vote for Gore would be like Jacques Chevrolet voting for Henry Ford for President.

    And by the way, your Nancy Pelosi-led Congress has caused inflation by raising the minimum wage, which has also led to job loss as companies lay off workers THEY CAN NO LONGER AFFORD TO PAY, they have absolutely not lifted one finger to end this war you're crying about, and their answer to the housing crisis is to put moratoriums on banks foreclosing on homes purchased by people who were dumb enough to sign on the dotted line for loans they couldn't pay back.  President Bush wasn't there to talk idiots into signing loans they couldn't handle.

    Does the RNC scare the c**p out of me?

    Let me tell you what scares the c**p out of me.  Number one, having a President in office who hates me because of the color of my skin and has the audacity to call his own grandmother a typical white person on nationwide TV without thinking there will be a backlash.  Number two, having a President in office who will make our boys in Iraq turn tail with white flags and get the c**p shot out of them as they retreat.  (This happens during every hasty surrender; just look it up.)  Number three, having a President who says he can fix everything, and yet cannot offer up one single sensible plan as to how to accomplish this, and... Number four, having a President in office who thinks I vote based on my gun collection and some arcane religion.  This guy hasn't a CLUE as to who I am.

    The DNC scares the c**p out of me.

    EDIT: Your Nancy Pelosi-led Congress has a lower approval rating than your arch-nemisis, Mr. Bush, and I NEED TO EDUCATE MYSELF?  Get a clue.


    "Inflation--currently near historic low"

    Current inflation at 5.60% as of July 2008 up from 2000 when it was at 2.74%

    "War--winning, in case you didn't notice"

    Our soldiers are dying for NOTHING, that is NOT winning - Iraq gets their military up and running, then what?  We pat ourselves on the backs in fron of the families who lost loved ones?

    "Job losses--currently near historic low"

    Wrong again - most states are near historic highs

    "Devalued US dollar--US dollar is currently rising in value"

    Then why did it just slip down?

    "Housing Crisis--housing sales are up, construction is up"

    Ahh wrong again, housing is down, construction is up but not for houses

    "Corruption--current president has not had a single personal scandal"

    Whoa---do you really wanna go there?

    Blackwater scandal, Katrina, Immigration, Lying about Iraq, Dismissals of U.S. Attorneys, I can keep going.....

    "International disgrace--I've been all over the world and have never seen a single anti-American demonstration."

    President Bush has been criticized internationally and targeted by the global anti-war and anti-globalization campaigns, particularly for his administration's foreign policy. Views of him within the international community are more negative than previous American presidents, with France largely opposed to what he advocates and public opinion in Britain, an American ally since World War II, largely against him

    That was taken directly from his wikipedia page

    You sir a very bad person with a voting stub.....get your facts straight then come talk to us please

  5. no no no. you libs are really dredging the bottom of the bucket. tell your messiah to get you some new material.

  6. I didn't see that many happy faces in the crowd tonight.

    I don't think they are crazy about the ticket.

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