
RPG/Dungeon Crawl?

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Hey, I've never really played a game like this before, but I'm looking for a good one. I'd like it to be single-player, or at least a game that doesn't require a dungeon master. If they're still in print/cheap, that's a bonus! Thanks!





  2. For single player I would recommend a video game.  Some board games have a single player mode but it is usually you playing against the dice.

    For a group here are several...

    Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel.  It is a sci-fi dungeon crawl.  Great fun, easy to play.  Best with at least 3 people.  Found on eBay used.

    Warhammer Quest.  Fantasy game with great pieces.  Expensive.  More complex than most but easier than a real RPG or war game.  Best with 3 or more.  Also, eBay.

    Space Hulk.  Sci-fi.  Two player.  Again, eBay.

    I put a link to Fantasy Flight Games below.  They have a few games like that still in print.  Have not played them, but most of FFGs stuff is pretty good.

    Go to their Silver Line and check out Wreckage, I made it!

  3. Sadly, the only really solo-playable dungeon crawl I know of is Warhammer Quest (mentioned above) and its very out of print and very pricey.

    If you'd like an inexpensive dungeon crawl game, you might try the Dungeoneer series of card games; all the players play against everyone else.  You move your hero around trying to complete quests, while the other players play monsters and traps to try to stop you.

    Descent: Journeys in the Dark is probably the most impressive dungeon crawl boardgame currently around.  Its got lots of miniature pieces.  In it, up to four hero players compete against an 'Overlord' player.  However, its a straight competititve game - the Overlord is not a 'referee' or an anything; they are flat out trying to beat the heroes.  It can be fun, but its very long and has some design flaws.

    Dungeon Twister is a chess-like game with a very strong dungeon theme; players maneuver their team of heroes to get the treasures and get out alive.  A good heavy thinking game, but its not quite a dungeon crawl, and its very much NOT playable solo.

    If you don't mind that its not quite a fantasy theme, the game Arkham Horror might be a good one to try.  Its a cooperative game where the players are investigators trying to stop evil forces from beyond space and time (based on the works on HP Lovecraft).  It may be set in the 1920s, but the fighting monsters and gaining new skills and items has a strong fantasy game feel - even if you may be getting a tommy gun instead of a magic sword!  Its playable solo or with a group, and is a lot of fun.

    Hope any of that helps!  Good luck finding a fun game!
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