
RSS Feeds won't update?

by Guest64469  |  earlier

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I can't seem to get anything from RSS Feeds on my 360 page. What is an easy way to get them to start updating?




  1. Sorry, there is no way. Please see my answer to a previous question on this page:;...

  2. Yahoo is in the process of launching a new platform here on this site.

    The 360 will no longer be called the 360 after this.. we will have a new blogger and other things which yahoo has not announced yet..

    They have set the launch date to be Jan. 8, 2008. Until that then they have stopped doing maintenance on the 360 and have pulled a lot of the server from it to give it to the new platform.

    The 360 product blog has a blog posted by Matt Walburton .. the new head of Yahoo.. that explains most of the questions you might have.. here is the link to that blog

    we just have a short time left to wait for them to be back to full attention to us and the site.. it is hard to have patience.. but we have no choice really..

    good luck friend.

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