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ok so today at our gamemy coach randomly decides to put me in as scrum half (B side) and he said i had a natural instinct at it. well i would like to learn how to properly play scrum half since he says i am the new B Side scrum half. PLEASE HELP ME LEARN THIS!!




  1. u need to b able to kick well........pass off the floor cleanly in one movement ................pass off both hands well....u need to be able to noe wat is goin on around u and not make mistakes.........scrumhalf s glory hunters(i shld noe scoring 8 tries in 3 games lol) so just make gd moves and ull be succesful

  2. I really hope you are talking union. So, here we go (sorry, this will be a long answer)...

    I am not a scrum half, but I do know a bit about it. Having the natural instinct will help TREMENDOUSLY.

    Some basics you do need:

    Ability to make quick and accurate passes at the right time

    Ability to make those passes long range or short range

    Being able to pass from both sides equally well

    Knowing the game backwards and forwards.

    Knowing about what the backs do and what the forwards do.

    Good vocal communication

    You need to be the best passer on the field. Games can be won or lost b/c of a scrum half whose left handed passes just weren't quite "up to snuff," or vice versa.

    You are the link between the backs and the forwards. Communication is key. If you aren't loud and vocal, get that way. If your fly-half is in the ruck or has been tackled, it is almost always the scrummies job to call the next play. Players need the direction. So no pressure. :D

    You also need to know your teammates individual strengths and weaknesses, and use them to the team's advantage.

    Next thing: ask the A-side scrummie for advise. He should be happy to help. If he's not, then keep that in mind & remember not to be like that when you get to be A-side scrummie, & be willing to teach what you know. Also, ask your coach for advise. Try getting a special rugby ball called a pass-developer. It is heavier than a regular ball, so DONT try to kick it. When you use it for a while, then you go back to the regular ball, you'll be able to throw much further.

    Watch as much professional rugby as you can, b/c seeing how they do it will help. Watch some good professional scrum halves:

    Scotland's Mike Blair and Chris Cusiter

    Wales' Dwayne Peel

    Sid Going

    Gareth Edwards

    The last thing is to read up on scrummie guides on the internet, and then know about the other positions, especially those numbers close to yours, esp. the 8 and 10. I've got some links I have found helpful, (and be sure to check out the source links):

    ...and a whole lot more. Just look everywhere online.

    I wouldn't hurt to look at the IRB laws of the game for 2008, but it can be a confusing read at best.

    Now that you know all of this, there is something else, especially with scrum half: you get better with time. It takes time. You won't be perfect over night, or within even months.

    Sorry I'm so long winded, but I hope it helped.

  3. What was your original position? Aslong as you are a strong build with alot of leg power, you would do well in that position. However if you have never been a scrum half... it will take a little while to get used to. You have to try it out a couple of times to get used to it.

  4. This is my advice for your 1st game,

    Order your forwards around tell then what to do,

    Listen to your fly half,

    Pass the ball out quick and accurately.

  5. okay first of all just the fact that u play rugby is so hot. haha. and also, scrum half is a really big position. my advice to you is to take the ball from the scrum and get it out to your wing as fast as you can. the further you can get your players to run with the ball the better! [of course] just be swift but never make your plans obvious or else the other team will definitely catch on. always keep them on their toes ;-)

  6. take practice on it

  7. Honestly the only thing you can do is practice. I got thrown in as scrum half last year and I am now the starting A-side scrummy. And all I did was practice. See if you can get together and just pass it to your flyhalf because the better connection you two have the better you will be at scrumhalf.

    Obviously the coach thinks you will do a good job at this position, and I am assuming you have a good pass if he is even considering you, so just practice practice practice.

    (And if you're wondering, playing scrum half rocks. You determine the game.)

  8. the 9 shirt is one of the most important after fly half and inside centre

    in fact the SH handles the ball more than any other player

    a good SH needs excellent passing/handling skills and to be able to read the game well. it also helps if you can kick and run but these are secondary skills. to learn how to be a SH you need to develop your passing skills and acceleration

    the quicker and more accurate your passing the better you will be

    on a final note the best SHs are the people who boss the game... they control the tempo and communicate well with other players

    hope this helps

  9. Pretty much all you do is hand the ball out to your back line.  When your team is scruming, you're the one that puts the ball in and takes it out to pass out to your back like and when you're doing a line-in if your team gets the ball you will again, pass it out to your back line so they can get it up the field.

  10. Oh how I wish I knew what you are talking about.. :)

  11. Okay mate first things first you have to have a great passing game. So keep practicing passing both ways. Also its good to have a decent kicking game so you can take some pressure off your flyhalf.

    The most important thing about playing scrumhalf is COMMUNICATION. You have to yell and make yourself be heard. You have to direct your forward around the park and choose when to let them pick and drive or if you are going to take the ball.

    You need to have good communication with your flyhalf because there is no point in giving him the ball if he has not organised anything. Keep looking to him and if hes pointing to the forwwards keep it in the forwards. he will call out when he needs the ball. When he asks for it, give it to him and give it to him quick.

    Dont be afraid to run the ball either. If you see a gap by all means go for it. But again communicate with someone so they can support you.

    You are probably the most important man in the team. Your decisions can either win the team the game or lose it. Good luck mate
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