
RUGBY ..league or union?

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RUGBY ..league or union?




  1. "UNION"...brawn & brains required. all u peps who say union kick too much must live in the northern hemisphere

  2. I like watching rugby league better.  Rugby union has turned into obscure penalties and a kicking match.  Watching a kicker spend two minutes lining up a penalty isn't my idea of fun.  They need to figure out a way to make the referee less of a part of the game before I will spend too much time watching it.

  3. Darts >>>>>>>>>>>>

  4. League

    Only in League is the game fast, extreemly physical AND exciting.

    Rugby Union, in my opinion, is rugby for pansies. You don't see many Rugby League play makers (usually the half backs or loose forward) playing two minutes, getting injured, being out for a season, playing two inutes on his comeback and gettin injured and so on and so on, do you Johnny Wilkinson?!

    The physical element of Rugby League involves players actually being able to play rather than just bulldoze there way through the other great big meat head forwards.

    Prop forwards in Rugby League such as Andy Lynch , Stuart Fielden and in his younger days Paul Anderson, actually had a turn of pace and the brains to score cleverly worked trys.

    In my opinion Rugby Union only prospers due its big money backing. Even up the playing field and I can guarantee that Rugby League will be bigger, better and far more supported than its "Big sister" Rugby Union.

  5. League - it's a proper game played by tough northerners!

  6. Union for defo! I mean lyk I've nvr even seen a full league match and union is jst way better more physical and ...well better. I liv near limerick(rugby capital of Ireland if not europe, home of the 2006 european champions Munster!) so all I really know is union. any way if the all blacks played the best league team the ablcks wud defenitly win dares not a fat person on their team and even their probs could run for ever.

  7. League.  Definitely.  League is fast, furious and more skilful.  How many union players have you ever heard of crossing over to league?  They'd never cope with the pace!  I think league players cross to union for a rest and higher wages.

  8. it's a union... i am pretty sure

  9. league is for softies.they are scared of the physicality that involves the union game.what the h**l is with that rolling of the ball backwards between their legs.they look like a bunch of q****s.its rugby for girls.

  10. Firstly your question is ambiguous.  If are are asking;

    1. If this category 'Rugby' is for League or Union.

    It is for both.

    2. Which code came first, Union or League.

    It was Rugby Union, then League. [1] [2] [3]

    3. If we have played rugby, league or union.

    Both, I played league while at school, and started playing union in juniors and seniors.

    4. what positions we have played in league or union.

    League: Half-back

    Union: Hooker, Scrum-half, Fly-half, Inside Center, Outside Center, Wing (Left and Right), Fullback.

    5. If we would rather play league or union.

    Union, as the other answerer said, for the physical side in the rucks and mauls.

    As to the answerer who said, have you seen any rugby union players go to rugby league.  Here is a small collection of dual internationals (played for Australia in Union then for Australia in League) from my memory.

    Ricky Stuart

    Wally Lewis

    Micheal O'Connor

    Ray Price

    Steve Ella

    Another answerer is correct is saying the question could have been about what rugby refers to.

    In addition to that answer, some countries, when mentioning Rugby, they mean Union.  They usually say League or Rugby League when refering to League.

  11. Union ( more fun to play).

  12. Union all the way. League is, in my opinion, a softer side of the same game. Part of rugby which I really love is the physical side: the rucks and the mauls. The fact that no-one 'owns' the ball most of the time. I don't like it in rugby league where a tackled player gets back up and rolls the ball under his foot back to his team. That's just rubbish! And then, after so many tackles, you have to give the ball to the opposition. So you kick it down the other end, and see if they can get far enough before they run out of tackles. In rugby union you keep the ball for as long as you can keep hold of it. You can work trying to break through to the try-line for 10 minutes if you want.

    BTW I'm very surprised at the person who said they love both. Most people I've talked to like one and hate the other.

  13. Union for sure!!! Thats real rugby.

    p.s love your hat

  14. League, no question

    Union is a game where field position is everything, hence the endless long kicks. Very dull to watch.

  15. Love 'em both!  Sorry !!!      

    For Steve-bob      In Australia many players play both in the juniors, eventually choosing just the one code.  

    Presently there are a handful of players at senior level that have crossed codes (I love watching both!)

  16. Rugby league players are faster and more fitter, because their game was their occupation, whereas Rugby union guys used to play at weekends and had other jobs.....I dont know if that is still the case; I suspect not.

  17. I like both but do slightly prefer Union.  Scrums etc. and all that was said before but Ireally it doesn't matter.  I just like Union better and that's it.  

    As if the fact some people prefer League is going to make me go to a corner and cry and suddenly change my mind or something like that.

    How about I just like it better and you are welcome to like whatever you want.  

    But really I personally like both!

  18. union is a more physical strength testing game, which is what i like, getting piled on to the floor by a load of other sweaty men, ah glorious game! just kiddin i love union, i cud play for hours!

  19. Seems like the asker of this question was simply trying to get a few insults traded between RL and RU people, made even more likely by his username. He certainly got a fair few bites.

    Though seems most people may have answered the question incorrectly. Fisherman25 may be referring to which "Rugby" refers to. Rugby to most people would likely represent RU and also most people could not differentiate between the two codes.  

    Certain quarters believe the Rugby should only be used when referring to both codes. Others believe it refers to one code or the other. The term "Rugby World Cup" some feel have stolen the trademark  from RL since it had a competition called a "World Cup" many years before the RU World Cup.

  20. to the guy who said it's a union who proports to play it, how thick are you,

  21. League League League League.

    There is no comparison,  Union players do not posses the skill that League players do,   Then theres the fact that they are no way as fit , No way as fast and no way as tough.   League players have to endure 80 mins of high intensity collision, where as in union the forwards are making love and rubbing each others bums on the floor, while the backs are stood around picking their noses for 10 mins,   And when they do get it, 1st thing that comes to mind is,   Lets kick it.

    Look at it this way for who is the more skillfull,

    When a league club is invited to play in a Union 7's competition why do they always win??

    Because the are more clever with the ball in hand, fitter and mentally more alert.

  22. League

    Union is to boring to slow to many penalties i don't watch much every time i have seen it the only scoring going on is for a penalty goal

  23. Union is definatly a players game however league is more of a spectators game

  24. I think it's totally unfair to compare two games just because they have "RUGBY" in their names.Union came first then League broke away with innovative changes to the rules in about 1927.Both codes have evolved into their own sphere of enjoyment and excitement for spectators.Many playerof both codes have "switched" and become dual internationals.There are purists who support both codes equally. eg What agreat come behind win by the Kangaroos against the Kiwis last Saturday night   OR   who of us did not hold their breath willing Johnny Wilkinson not to kick that kick in the final of the World Cup?

    So, league or's up to you----the individual

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