
RUGBY selections?

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ok well i play rugby for my schoool

i play number 8

im very fit as i am also a national swimmer

i have the biggest kid in my grade (as in muscle)

but my dumb *** coach chose a sullie to play my position

im great at my position

and im fitter and have more muscles then the sullie

he is actualy fat!

y would they choose him over me?

i dont understand

would u rather a fit musclie white boy who can tackel very well and makes good runs playing a postionion on a rugby filed

or a sullie who is fat and when he gets his speed up he can make good runs?




  1. I've noticed that coach's look at size. See, I tried out for state one time. They needed one more loose head forward (no.8 or flanker) and they choose the biggest guy in the pack of people who hadn't been chosen. The reason he might have chosen this bigger guy is because you might be good, but there might have been a training session or two where you were a bit off or not 100 percent. The coach would have noticed and that's why he chose him.

  2. I think the word you should be using is sole (pronounced saw-'s means boy in Samoan)

    Maybe your coach is wanting size...I can understand your frustration...have you considered asking your coach why he prefers other players to you in the number 8?  I mean it would be good to know what the reason is so you can improve if you need to...

    All the best....

  3. Maybe its your attitude or your implied racism.

    What is a sullie?

    Edit: The coach may be looking for size in the pack & balance.  Have thought of moving to the flank?

    Edit: I hear what you say but you need to get over this white boy/sullie thing.  See where you can make a contribution to the team even if you can't play the pos that you want.

  4. Play soccer

  5. you think its a one person team, just consisting of you,

    with your wieght n that i mite play you at 2nd row or flanker, but a heavier guy is prefered at no8.

    i know, i get put to flanker all the time when i no im a better no8 but flankers r ment to be faster, so the slower guy goes to 8. flanker is better, try it you will like it.


    ask for centre, your  fast and very strong, if you have good hands and have a good boot, then i dont see why centre wouldnt be a problem for you.

  6. its all about you innit?

    rugby is a team sport. perhaps he is a better teammate. his individual abilities may not be as spectacular as yours, but if the team plays better with him on the field vs you, id send you to the pool too.

  7. League or union?

  8. Happening everywhere mate, watch South African Rugby go down hill ?
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