
RUGER Mini-14 or FN FNC

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for u gun peoples out there, which is a better assault rifle, the ruger Mini-14 (or AC 5.56) or the FN FNC? both rifles shoot the same bullet and are about the same size.




  1. The FN, of course.  Ruger doesn't manufacture a true combat rifle.  "Assault rifle" is a term coined by the media and anti-gunner community to define a sporting rifle with a certain 'look' for the end-purpose of banning such a rifle.  Pro gun people should lose terms like:

    Assault rifle, Sniper rifle and Silencer from their vocabulary.

    Sometimes we are our own worst enemy by mimicking what those who would destroy our 2nd. Amendment Rights say.


  2. The FN, Fabrique Nationale Carabine, is a true battle rifle and has a solid edge over the Mini-14

  3. The FN-FNC is superior to the Mini-14.  And considering that a used one costs more than 4 times as much as a new Mini-14 they really aren't in the same league.  One FNC benefit:  they accept standard ar-15/m-16 mags, which are significantly cheaper than hi-capacity mags for the mini-14.

    The FNC was built to be a military battle rifle, which is not a role the mini-14 was ever intended for.  

  4. The FN FNC is the better rifle, without a shadow of doubt.  Now, if you can find one, and you can afford it, my hat's off to you.

  5. While I've owned and enjoyed several different variations of the Mini 14 and hold it in high regard, I've also been privileged to shoot a registered transferable full auto FNC.

    Now, I've shot a lot of 5.56 rifles in my time, Mini 14's, AC556's,  AR15's and M16's, HK 93's, Bushmaster's .....I'm not even sure what all anymore, but that FNC really impressed me more than any of the rest.

    It's accuracy and controllability were dead-on. Fit and finish were supurb. It's folding stock locked up rock-solid. It felt GREAT in the hands. It pointed naturally and functioned flawlessly.

    I'd have to go with the FN FNC,

    My apologies to my Mini's.

  6. FN.  

  7. for the money the MINI is a good choice. They are choosy about mags however. Mini's will function dirty..the gas system is very reliable and the actions are strong and very simple.

    Most are not tack drivers... but all I have handled are minute-of-man at over 100 meters.

    If Ruger had put the Mini out for US Army trials a few years earlier there are more than a few experts who think I would have been our service rifle.

    I love the AR.. but that "puking into it's own mouth" gas system and some of the other problems just are not there in the MINI system

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