
RUNNING AWAY & WALKING AWAY, what are the differences and similiarities???

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What is your definition of "Walking Away & Running Away"? Do you think they're similar or vastly different? I'm speaking of these terms based on relationships, "on the rocks" specifically, A boyfriend treating his girlfriend poorly, the girlfriend contemplating leaving (while 8 months pregnant) & the boyfriend accusing her of running away from herself & her problems....

I want your opinion of RUNNING AWAY & WALKING AWAY, what are the differences and similiarities???




  1. Running away is indeed a reaction based in fear.

    When you don't like the possible solutions, you are running away. People do this without ever leaving the room: someone complains about a problem, the listener proposes several solutions, and the person shoots each solution down with an excuse as to why it won't work without really thinking it through - this is **ALSO** running away. You just don't like the answers.

    Walking away is an adult decision based on facts and free of emotional influence.

    When you have really tried all solutions and they won't work because of conditions out of your control, your only recourse is to walk away and not devote any more energy to it. If someone presents barriers to your growth and refuses to see how they are doing so, you can only walk away.

  2. well  i always think of it like this, if someone is horrilbe to me i am not bothered then i walk away, but if i run away then i'm like scared of upset.    If any of that makes sense.  =]

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