
RUNnning/ JOgging Question!!?

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please answer ok soo if i jog or run in place in my room how many steps would it take too achieve 1/2 mile?




  1. buy one of those pedophile things.

  2. if your running in your room at least run in a circle as big as you can, otherwise go to a gym, use a treadmill at home, or run outside. if running in place you don't get nearly as much use of your muscles because your not pushing off with every step so don't just stand in one place. if you want, you could get a jumprope and use that instead if you want to stay in your room. jumproping is very effective training also. no one can say for sure how many steps in a 1/2 mile. you could sprint and get way less than someone slower. run for like 30 min or just start at 20 min even. 1/2 mile is a short sprint so just practice sprints.

  3. why dont you just go run? and that would not be running at wouldnt accomplish anything because you wouldnt be striding...if you dont want to go run outside then get a treadmill

  4. buy a pedometer

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