
RV or pitch the 'ole tent for Bonnaroo '08?

by  |  earlier

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I went last year using a tent and, though it was livable, I went to sleep freezing and woke up in pools of sweat (because of the significant temperature drop at night and the scorching heat of the day). I'm curious as to if it's really worth it to rent an RV. If so, where should I rent one for the cheapest. I'm going with up to 6 girls (possibly more). We'd all split the price, but should we really bother? Should we just suck it up and bring tents?




  1. I am probably dating myself, but what is a Bonnaroo? All I know is if I had to live with 6 girls for more than one day in an RV I would probably go nuts!  Since you need shelter, I'll assume you need to sleep outside overnight.  I say go with the tents, you did it last year... just try to find a product that will help with the temp changes- maybe a special sleeping bag or something!

  2. i'd go with a tent. don't be a wus.

  3. RV. Spoil yourself. Don't wallow in the mud and stand in line to pee. Spoil yourself.

  4. some of the rv lots at roo are the farthest away from centaroo, but some are really close.  walking would become an issue if they stuck you in one of the far away lots.  if you take an rv, make sure to bring a gas can or two for the generator, otherwise you would have the same conundrum as sleeping outside.

    if you choose to do tent camping again, go buy a battery operated fan or 2.  they have these ones in the camping section at walmart for maybe $15 and they work like a champ.  i used it last year for the first time and was very pleased with the air it put out.  also, you can alleviate the shower woes with a couple of those 5 gallon deer park water jugs.  just put them on the hood of your car and you'll have hot water in an hour or two.  the water stream is better than any camping shower you could buy, and its cheaper too.  a camping toilet goes a long way to provide comfort and can be purchased for less than $30.  

    with the battery operated fan, the 5 gallon water jugs, and the camping toilet, you pretty much have all the provisions of an RV, but you spend a whole lot less.  hopefully i provided a helpful hint or two.  have fun! :)

  5. Well, with 6 girls, its kinda rough and dangerous.  I suggest an RV, but it depends on your budgets, because those things guzzle up gas.  Figure out the gas expense at 7 miles per gallon.

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