
Rabbies <span title="-=---=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-">-=---=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-...</span> HELP!?

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Will You Have A Rabbies If You Eated A Biscuit Licked With a Dog That Have A Rabbies Virus?




  1. What...the? Why did you do that anyway? Spell rabies right next time and delete your account, moron.

    Dr. Dog

  2. People get rabies from infected mammals. Rabies is transmitted most often through animal bites, although other contact with the saliva or brain tissue of an infected animal can cause the disease. Evidence suggests that rabies can also be spread by a seemingly insignificant bite from a bat with rabies, even without an obvious wound.

    Here is a site that tells you all about it.

    Hope this helps and lots of luck.

  3. yes, go chain yourself to a large tree and throw away the key. when you start to display any symptons, have your best friend or girlfriend shoot you in the head, and then shoot themselves also just to be sure that you or aNYONE CLOSELY ASSOCIATED WITH YOU DOES NOT REPRODUCE.

  4. First of all if the dog has rabies the dog should of been put down there is no cure for that and yes you will get rabies if you come in contact with the saliva so now you need to go to the doctors and get a bunch of shots to the belly so you don&#039;t end up dying from rabies without those shots you get sick you will die that is a fact it is rare that any one ever makes it from that disease without treatment and live

  5. How do you know the dog has rabies? The brain has to be examined to determine that.

  6. Why would you do something like that?  

  7. I doubt it but to be on the safe side call your ER

  8. Yes, Rabies is transmitted through saliva.

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