
Rabbit Care and Tips?

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I just got my first rabbits two days ago Can i give her a bath once every 3 months?or only when she NEEDS one. also any other tips would help! Best tips get 10 points




  1. I dont think you should bathe them....leave them clean themselves,that is how they would do it if they were in the wild!

  2. dont bath them!!! They clean themselves if they you out them in your garden if they live in house you must bath them only when they need it! and dont use the carrots always! they must eat carrots but dont let they only eat that!

  3. There is rabbit shampoo especially for rabbits sold at pet stores.  Only use products especially for rabbit.  Also, read the instructions on the back which will tell you how often to use and how to use.  Also go to this website which has heaps of useful information

  4. It really isn't necessary to bathe a rabbit unless they get into something really icky (like something sticky or some such). It's best not to as it can stress them out.

    Here's some excellent rabbit care websites and books:

  5. You shouldnt give it a bath right away,Only when it stinks

  6. I have 2 rabbits myself, and I've learned that they l**k themselves (like cats) instead of taking bathes. But, if one of them steps in chemicals, like Pam, or Windex then just fill the top of a cooking sheet, or ziploc lid with a small layer of water, then have the bunny walk through it. :)

  7. only give it a bath when it needs one you will have to clean the cage once every two weeks give it lots of treats so it will associate good things with your presence  

  8. Rabbits can take baths but give her/him a bath about every 2-3 weeks. Set the water for an average temperature (not too hot but not too cold either). For shampoo you can use pet shampoo, like the ones meant for puppies, preferably. The reason you need to use puppy shampoo is because they're tear-free so if you accidentaly get shampoo in his/her eyes it won't hurt. What you need to do is put your rabbit under the warm running water. Get him/her nice and wet and once done get the puppy shampoo and lather into the fur. Make sure not to get the shampoo or the water on the ears (NEVER GET WATER IN THE EARS), face, nose etc. (This is very important). Don't worry about your rabbit wanting to escape. It won't be able too because of the soap and water inside of the sink. Then you rinse off the soap really well so it won't irritate the skin when dry. Dry your rabbit with a dry towel over and over again until he/she is completely dry. DO NOT PUT YOUR RABBIT IN THE CAGE WHILE HE/SHE IS STILL WET, DAMP, ETC. IT CAN CAUSE THEM TO GET SICK!

    When dry then you can put it back inside the cage. Voila! Nice clean rabbit.

    You can also go with option 2. Go to your local pet store and buy a pet dust bath. It leaves your rabbit very fluffy and soft but it might take a while for your rabbit to realize that it's a bath so it might make a few messes inside of the dust bath. But it's safer to use.

    It's best if you take your rabbit outside so it can nibble some grass and just get some outdoor fun. Buy a puppy playpen or a little enclosed gate, that way your rabbit won't run all over the place and/or get lost.

    You should feed your rabbit fresh veggies at least once a week (you can feed them fresh veggies every day if you want). They can eat practically anything but it's best to give them something crunchy with a good taste (EX lettuce, celery, cucumber, carrots, maybe even potatoes. DON'T feed your rabbit onions, the smell is way too harsh for their noses as well as the taste. You can feed it tomatoes but try the dry ones instead.) You can also give it some tasty fruit! My rabbit LOVED mangoes and strawberries but yours might have a different taste for things.

    Play with your rabbit often, so it can get used to human contact and it gets some exercise also. Hold it carefully for 2 reasons:

    1 If your hold your rabbit to tightly or squeezing etc. It can cause your rabbit to panic and possibly get injured.

    2 YOU can get it injured if not held properly.

    (Sorry but it's a little difficult for me to describe on how to hold your rabbit)

    Clean it's cage at least once or twice a week. (It depends on the size of your cage and/or your rabbit).

    Give your rabbit some ritz crackers! Strange, but it's kinda like if you gave a dog a treat, rabbits LOVE them. (That's why I named my rabbit Cookie lol)

    Hm well I guess that's all the stuff I would normally do with my rabbit so hopefully it's good tips or advice. Sorry that it's a little long but in reality it doesn't take much to handle a rabbit. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR FURRY NEW FRIEND!!!

  9. dont bath them because they groom themselves like cats. They will need to be brushed with a fine brush because they do shed a lot a couple of times a year.

    Rabbits will need to be kept out of the extremes of hot and cold and always offer water in a bowl as well as a bottle. They need good quality grass hay, rabbit pellets (not that horrible grain/sunflower seed/chaff mix) and some fresh vegetables. Do not offer iceburg lettuce or very watery foodstuffs your rabbits will get runny poos! Also start with a handful of fresh and only a little carrot, apple etc to see how they cope with it. Rabbits need a lot of fibre as they are double digesters (which means yes, they eat their own p**p) and that p**p will be darker and moister.

    Give then fruit tree branches and very dry pine cones to chew, make sure not sprayed with chemicals, as their teeth continuously grow and can cause problems by curling back and preventing the rabbit eating.

    Worm your rabbit!!! Yes you can get worming syrups from pet stores/vets and it is important to do it every 3 months like your dogs.

    you can teach them to use a litter box by putting some straw in it and on top of their usual wee corner and they will get the idea.
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