
Rabbit Has a Fungus on his foot - help!?

by  |  earlier

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My rabbit has a fungus on his foot. It's not the one bottom of his foot, it's on the top of his foot and it's a blister-like sore that almost resembles a callous, but it's red and the hair is coming off of it.

However, I want to try to heal him myself. Any suggestions?

I can't afford to take him to the vet until next week. Thanks!




  1. IDK what it is or what it could be.

    I suggest you call the local animal hospital and ask some question and see what they say. They may be able to help you until you can get the bunny to the vet.

  2. If you can't take him to the vet till next week, you need to wash it out, so what ever it is, it can't get infected. You may want to check the cage to see if there's anything that he could have hurt himself on, and change the bedding as soon as possible.

  3. i don't think you can treat it yourself, he needs to be taken to the vet. but you may want to check out a local pet store, i've seen some medicines there, but mainly for runny noses or wettail etc.

  4. call the vet and ask them what kind of over the counter remedy you can use until you can come in to see him.  with ringworm you have to dry it out.  when i had it i was told to put bleach on it with a q-tip however if you do this with the bunny go ahead and do the sock and vet wrap thing like i said last night (don't use the neosporion just a tiny bit of bleach) that way the rabbit cant l**k at it and ingest bleach.

    and ringworm is very contagious but it's not the worst thing a person could get either.  it just itches like crazy.  like i said i've had it.  i got it from cats a couple of times.

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