
Rabbit Questions!!??!!

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Ok, so i'm a first time rabbit owner. I don't know much about them. Help!




  1. A line of books that is helpful for most anything are the "Dummies" books. I bought "Ferrets for Dummies" when I bought my ferret and it really helped me a lot. You could order "Rabbits for Dummies" online (on it would probably be the cheapest), or you can go to your local pet or bookstore.

    Some tips I can give you:

    - Rabbits need Timothy Hay as a regular part of their diet when they are young. Up until they are 6 months old they should be fed Timothy Hay almost everyday, after they reach the 6 month and over mark you take it down to only about 2 times a week.

    - Clean your rabbit out at least 2 times a week, they can get to smelling pretty bad ... and I can't imagine living in something that smells like that being any good for them.

    - When your choosing bedding for his/her house DO NOT get any that is scented ... this will give them bad respiratory problems in the future and can sometimes lead to early death.

    - If you let your rabbit run around your room make sure you have picked up anything he/she can chew on! I mean anything! Rabbits will chew up cords, cardboard, stuffed animals, clothes, plastic ... anything they can get their teeth on. If you cannot provide a safe environment for your rabbit to play in then you should get a sort of playpen. You can get them at your local pet store and set them up so they can only hop around in the area that is designated by the fenced in area.

    Below are some sites that may help you as well: < --- List of Fresh foods your rabbit can eat. < --- Faqs about rabbits and care. < ---- Forum to talk to other Rabbit owners.

    Other than that I would suggest getting the number to your local Exotic Pet Doctor. Should your rabbit get ill a normal vet will probably not know what to do. Just Keep that number in a safe place should an emergency ever come up.

    Hope this helps! :)

    EDIT: I do not agree that you should keep the holding to a minimum. Rabbits love the attention of being held and cuddled. You should wash your hands each time before holding them, and you should not hold them at all when you are sick. Other than that love on and hold your baby whenever you feel like it. They are not meant to live their whole life locked in a cage with very little attention.

  2. actully you shouldent pick up your rabbit by the scruff...

    go to

    it shows you a picture of someone pickingup your rabbit and moreinfo on how to

  3. well they can be skiddish cause they are prey animals. besides that they are very loving and affectionate creatures. they need exersize everyday like dogs.

  4. Give it lots of attention. Rabbits hate the feeling of being held in the air since they're animals of prey. Keep the holding to a minimum. Clean the cage every 3 days or so to keep it as clean as possible. Make sure you give it fresh food and water every day. Also, make sure you have a little shelter to put inside the cage so the rabbit can sleep under there. When you do pick it up, pick it up by the scruff of the neck. It dosn't  hurt them. If you have any more question give me an email.
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