
Rabbit problem ?

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i have a rabbit right now and it is a female. She is veryy veryy nice. but i want to get netherland drawf bunny and put them in the same cage. Should i get a boy or girl bunny ? will they attack each other if they are both females ?




  1. It is possible they will fight whether you get a male or a female. Rabbits can be very territorial. I don't suggest putting a male rabbit with the female, as this could lead to unwanted babies.

    Best bet is to spay the female and get a neutered or spayed rabbit, and even then you must be careful introducing them. Don't just put them together straight away because this can lead to a fight. Put them in separate cages where they can see and smell each other. Then slowly let the both out the cage(don't put one in the cage with the other) and let them be around each other, supervised at ALL times. Even if they seem to get along well, i would not leave them alone together unsupervised.

  2. I think you should keep them in seprate cages where they can see each other....rabbits both male and female are territorial and like their own space..males will fight to the deth and some females will too..if you keep them in seprate cages they can have some company and their own space at the same time...however if you get a male be careful not to let them out at the same time so you don't have unexpected bunnies.

  3. well idk, it depends

    but if u get a male wether its spayed or not they might whant to get freaky and if its not spayed they might get prenate

  4. well it depends.... if you dont mind babies then male otherwise female.....

    but i dont think the bunnies will fight

    bunnies arent very social animals my friends always have more then one bunny in a cage. Im sure they will be fine.

  5. dont get a male!!!!!!!! you will have babies every 30 days. if you get a female be very careful. they will fight in the beginning. they will mount each other like male and female do, but that is for dominance.if you buy the male you cant leave him in there he will kill the i would go with the female. but watch them they could fight and get hurt rele bad.

  6. rabbits have to be spayed or neutered in order to get along, this is the case regardless if what s*x you get.  your first step is getting your female rabbit spayed by an experienced exotic animal vet.  this will decrease her chance of developing uterine cancer (there is an 80% chance she will die by age 3 if not spayed).  it will also improve any behavioral problems, and decrease the smell of her urine and marking.  altered animals are also easier to litterbox train.

    after you get her spayed, you can then decide if you still want another rabbit.  male and femlaes pairs get along best.  two females *can* be friends but it is much harder to bond them.  you can adopt a neutered male rabbit from a shelter.  that way you can save his life, and give your female rabbit a friend.

    info on spay/neuter...

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