
Rabbit question????!!!!!!!1?

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i have 2 questions!

1. how do female rabbits usually act when they are going through puberty, without being spayed yet? as my 12week doe (on our outdoor "playtime") has been lying really close to the ground and not moving and when i come up to her she runs as fast as she can! i know shes scared but im not sure whats wrong, as this is a sudden change in behaviour.

2. are rabbits usually tired and antisocial(in their sleeping bits) when its around 4pm in the afternoon? because when i get home from school no-one wants to come up to me and give me a sniff, i know they are most active in the morning because they jump up and l**k me! could this be a puberty thing too?





  1. You should contact a priest and have them exorcised because Rabbits are evil and are generally born possessed of the soul of Satan.  Just my opinion of course but I am pretty sure I'm correct.

  2. At around 6 weeks of age my female minlop started getting quite hyperactive at playtime and she would run circles round and round my feet.  The book I have about bunny behaviour says that this is a sign she wants to mate, so I guessed it was a puberty thing.  Sure enough, about 3 weeks later I got her speyed and she never did it again! so their behaviour can change with puberty.  Also, bunnies are crepuscular (sp?) so are most active at dawn and dusk.  they will sleep some of the time when you are away during the day, and my bun is often still dozing when I get back at 5 - 5.30pm.  She perks up after dinner for playtime.  So maybe now your bun is getting older she is getting into adult sleeping patterns?  I'm not sure about that though, I'm just guessing based on what my bun did and what I read.

  3. Sounds like they are growing up.  You may need to spend more time holding or playing with them.  Often they are cuddly when young and grow to be more nervous.  All of this does coincide with puberty.

  4. reply to eagleson:

    lol. nice. that's utter bullshit u've got there eh?  

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