Rabbit quiz. Please answer these question PROPERLY!
The answers will be revealed at the end!!
If you get these right,you must love bunnies! Enjoy!!!
1) What are rabbits related to?(e.g.hares..)
2)Can rabbits eat lettuce & cabbage?
3)What is the smallest rabbit breed,in the world??
4)How many teeth do bunnies have?!
5)What is a female rabbit called & what is a male bunny called??
6)Choose the fake/made up rabbits out of this list:
(A)Dutch rabbit.
(B)French Dwarf rabbit.
(C)English spot Rabbit.
(D)Netherlands Dwarf rabbit.
(E)American spot rabbit.
(F)Rex rabbit.
(G)English Dwarf rabbit.
(7) What are baby rabbits called?
(8) Can rabbits vomit?!
(9) What wild species of rabbit are Domesticated rabbit related to?
(10,Finally..) Name three rabbit diseases.