
Rabbits water?

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can you just use tap-water for a rabbits water?




  1. yes. Make sure, however, you chang his/her water every two or three days so that no bacteria will grow in it. I have had a rabbit for nine years. Hope i helped. PS.  Make sure you clean his water bowl/bottle with soap and make surenyou leave no soap spuds on the containers

  2. yes

  3. You can but if it contains fluoride and chlorine it can be bad for your rabbit over time. These two chemicals can build up and cause the rabbits bones to become brittle as they age.

    I am lucky as we live in arural area and have well water so there are no chemicals in the water I use for my animals. In fact they have awell all their own that their water comes from.

  4. Of course you can - there is not much else you can use. My rabbit is perfectly healthy with tap water. Besides, since when did rabbits go living off bottled mineral water?!

  5. possum

  6. Hey Amber,  You answered two of my questions and i want to answer yours.  I used to own a rabbit for 4-H and they can drink tap water.

  7. Tap water is fine. I use bottled water for all of my animals and myself just because the chlorine is very high in our water.

  8. Tap water is fine, but if you are on a well, be cautious. I was on a well for years when I had rabbits and they did fine, but I have heard of people having trouble with giving well water to their animals (or even kids!) and too much can cause diarreah and illness in some rare cases.

    If you're on city water, it should be no problem because it is all filtered and cleaned.

    As mentioned, please make sure you refresh the water with new about every other day, or every day, as needed. Also, clean the bottle with a pea size amount of dish soap and some water weekly to prevent bacteria growth on the inside of the bottle. This is especially important during the summer when bottles outdoors get overheated in the sun.

    Good luck!

  9. Oh and you change it to fresh water evry day! Not what the person above said every two days! that is horrible! Who wants old water that isnt fresh! And yes they LOVE tap water just like any water, besides dirty water! :)

  10. yea rabbits love tapwater they dring it like they've never tasted anything so cleaner

  11. Yes, this is perfectly OK. No Problemo.

    Ideally you'd want the rabbit to be getting much of its water (and vitamins) from assorted greens you offer.

    However, when you are out of greens and they have to start nibbling on that dry stuff, (pellets, hay) cool, fresh tap water is good to help "wash it down".

  12. yes, i do, i get one of those waterbottles with the ball at the end so when he licks it water comes out and i just use tap water!

  13. Yes, rabbits are not allergic to real water.

  14. I do, and I,ve had my Rabbit for 7 years..just make sure that you clean the bottle well with hot water with a bottle scrubber with each fill up and you should be fine,

    Good Luck

  15. it depends on where you live

  16. yes! yes you can! ^_^

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