
Raccoon in my house?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I have a raccoon asleep behind my dryer right now and I don't want to kill it or anything because it's a baby and is just about the cutest thing ever.

The only reason he's there in the first place is because my dog chased him behind the washer/dryer. He was trying to get at her food.

It only has one way of escape, the dog door, but is curled up in some insulation and I think that its mother is in our backyard (we think we have three raccoons).

Is there a way to get the baby raccoon out without hurting it? He seems to like our dog food.

Thanks for your help!




  1. Leave a trail of dog or cat food to the pet door that might help

  2. they can be vicious we have them here also.The trail of food to the great outdoors sounds like a good plan we keep our pet food away from where they can get at it. and if one tangles with your dog it isn't gonna be a pretty picture we put the slider in our doggy door because our cat likes to bring live friends into play and I'm not crazy for mice or other wild critters running loose in the house LOL We have a bell by the back door so when our dogs or cats want out they ring the bell and I let them out.

  3. If I were you I'd keep it as a pet. :3

    just try to get something long like a stick or something and poke at it. If it runs out have somebody restrain your dog and grab the raccoon.
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