Just reading some q & a's and I thought about this... may sound silly but worth a try no?...
the food we eat, the location we live, and all that have effects of how we are, and how we survive (changing physical properties) and mating with the same species/race over and over would keep improving little by little coming more prone/adaptable to your surroundings...
basically evolution right there...
migration- the world had one big continent (maby some little ones I dont know) all of the humans were more than likely almost exactly alike biologically, and physically
and when the continent split into more continents along with the humans on them... some moved closer to the equator thus making it hotter, so the sun made humans whom where closer (also whom where farther) to the equator change in a slight way IE skin color and such...
more to come... running out of space, correct me on my mistakes if you would... I'm just a kid thinking outside of the box
BE NICE please