
Race, religion, and even smoking are fair game. Why isn't teen pregnancy ?

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Elle ...So Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton being picked on never happened....right




  1. look through the questions and answers here these last few days and i unfair to dig into personal lives, how unfair to talk about people low

    HA HA

    I'm guessing all saying that never cared about politics until this election, or are extremely young.

    McCain for example...not only took a back-handed shot at Hilton in his ad trying to cheapen her status.

    but i can also remember

    McCain's 1998 joke suggesting that Chelsea Clinton was ugly and Janet Reno and Hillary Clinton were lesbians.

    "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?" McCain said at a GOP fund-raiser in Washington. "Because Janet Reno is her father."

    OH...but that's ok right?....because a republican was making the insult?!?

    you republicans are 2 faced...

    why cry "unfair" now?

    The republican party has been doing this kind of thing as long as my 45 year old butt can remember!

  2. The candidates themselves are fair game, NOT THEIR CHILDREN!

    I didn't agree with the comments about Chelsea Clinton, but she was actively campaigning for her mother, so she was fair game as a grown campaigner, not as a child. There's a big difference and you know it.

  3. It is. Palin threw her own daughter under the bus because she couldn't take the heat of the rumors that Trig was really her daughters child. What a terrific mother she is. I would have thought more highly of her is she had just issued a simple statement claiming those rumors to be false. Nope. Instead....she nationally humiliates her teenager. Nice. I mean hello? She took the girl out of school to save her the embarrassment ...then she blabs it to all of America?

    Plus, all of this and McCain is against funding teen pregnancy prevention. How in the world these two compliment each other is way beyond me.

  4. Because as Obama himself said- his mother had a child at 18.  So if you want to attack Bristol you Liberals should be attacking Obamas family too

  5. I think it should be off limits, unless it shows a hypocrisy or failure in the related candidates position, as it does here.

    Palin believes children should be taught abstinence only s*x education and is against the use of contraception.    This misinformation she gave to her daughters, and wants to give to ours, is what caused this problem in the first place.    

  6. because unlike michelle obama and chelsea. bristol didn't put herself in the public eye by declaring her views or giving interviews. i felt the chelsea comments were out of line though and this bashing of bristol too chelsea was questioned abt her dads mistakes and now palins being run over the coals because of her daughters its so unfair

  7. Because the pregnant teen isn't:

    A.  running for office

    B.  stumping for a candidate

  8. Because that's what you were told. DEAL WITH IT, BUBO!

    But I do agree with you, and I don't understand why she isn't being more blasted for letting her 17 year daughter pregnant. Jesus, if that happened in the UK, the press would be all over the politician until they resigned!

  9. Sure Chelsea Clinton got picked on, but I didn't see anybody picking on her during her father's run for presidency. Besides, teen pregnancy is a family issue that holds no bearing on the candidates themselves. People are acting like she could have stopped her daughter from doing what she did when we all know that teenagers will do what they want to do regardless of what they've been taught if they really want to. I know I did, and I'm sure some of you hypocrites up here have as well. It is a tasteless and shameful stab at Palin during a very difficult time in her families life. If this is the best they can do, then that is very sad.

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