
Race Car???

by  |  earlier

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i drive a quarter midget but I'm big on surfing too. I'm just about done driving my quarter midget and then I'm moving on to regular midgets. i have these 2 stickers that can go on a car and one is rip curl and the other is u.s surf team. Do you think I'd get made fun of or looked at funny if i had those on my car?? haha please help especially because I'm around a lot of boys and all they do is race so they don't understand lol




  1. do what you think is right!

  2. are you a midget lolzz

  3. i race cars and im one of the few girls who do but i win a lot so the boys respect me i have all sorts of stickers on my cars from sponsers to random things i seein pound shops no-one really cares wat i have on my car. im sure they will be the same with u theres no reason for them to make fun of u cos u like surfing its a gd thing.

  4. It's a good policy to NOT put a sticker on your race car unless sponsorship money goes with it. I lost a good sponsorship from an oil company when Granatelli's hoodlums put an STP sticker on my midget when I wasn't looking. I won the main, and the picture was in Speed Sport News. The next day my sponsor dropped me because of the sticker.

  5. just because they only have one life, no reason for you to limit yourself.  maybe you can convert a few to surfing after seeing your stickers.

  6. well it matters how big the sticker is...............if its not tht big i would put it on there

  7. just put em on there cause a lot of people will probably think there pretty cool. but its just looks it doesnt matter it matters how you drive.
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