
Race Equality?

by Guest63797  |  earlier

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Attempting to answer a question I wrote the word 'Negr*id' which Yahoo blanked out. I am obviously aware of the derivitives of this word but I understood that this was the proper anthropological name for this race. If this word is deemed to be unacceptable should we not censor the words 'Caucasoid' and 'Mongoloid' also?




  1. That is a subject which is very interesting but I couldn't tell you the complete answer on I will make it short and sweet. In the Bible the translation for generation is race or family, depending on the context of the scripture. So we were designed to be different races and God has a chosen people that are his bride. The House of Isreal is His chosen people. It's the greatest love story never told.

  2. Yes!!!! I hear you, these questions have been asked a billion times over, but there are to many double standards when it comes to this topic to ever make it fly.

  3. Neegroid and Homo sapiens are correct and acceptable words to be used in anthropological context. So, don't sweat!

  4. There was a massive racial bruhaha in my city when a councilman used the word "n1ggardly."


    "N1ggardly" (noun: "n1ggard") is an adjective meaning "stingy" or "miserly", related to the Norwegian verb nigle. It is cognate with "n1ggling", meaning "petty" or "unimportant", as in "the n1ggling details".

    "Nlgger" derives from the Spanish/Portuguese word n3gro, meaning "black", and probably also the French nègre, which is likewise a racist insult derived from n3gro (the ordinary French word for "black" being noir). Both n3gro and noir (and therefore also nègre and nlgger) ultimately come from n3grum, the accusative form of the Latin word nlger, meaning "black".


    Apparently ANY word using "n e g" or "n i g" anywhere in it is censored.

  5. well since they want to be called african americans instead of just americans then maybe the need to start calling everyone by there rightous name. me i now tell people that i am german american and they look at me with a blank face. try that with an african american and see what they say

  6. Pity we all are not sightless.

    Then again, perhaps we are.
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