
Race and IQ , any correlation between the two?

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Race and IQ , any correlation between the two?




  1. yes

  2. The smartest people are the oldest of the poorest of all nations.  They know how to survive without money.

  3. No.

  4. No, its only according to their environment.

    But it might seem like.

  5. NO, except that the Chinese do seen to better scholastically.

  6. I sincerely doubt it since there is but one race on the planet.

    IQ does not enjoy the status it used to. We found too many problems with unconscious aspects of the tests creation together with the creators of the tests.

    They, I should say since I was not involved in the process, also found that any person will perfore differently on test to test depending on several factors such as attitude, emotional situation, physical condition, rest or lack thereof and many more.

    If you mean are there correlations between ethnicity and performance then yes. This is almost always due to economic background.

    It is plainly logical that a student from a well to do family with every educational advantage will outperform a student from a poor background no matter the ethnic characteristics such as eye shape or skin color.

    The white fantasy that us white people are naturally smarter than black people is no more than ego driven poppycock.

  7. These are facts.

    1.There is only the one human race.

    2. you can be colour prejudiced, but not racist.

    3 You did not stipulate what you meant by " the two".

    4. I do believe you are colour prejudiced.

                                                                                       Jack D.

  8. i think its just culture and influences that sum ppl seem to be smarter and have a higher IQ.

  9. Yes. We won't know for sure why until all the DNA testing is in in twenty years or so. But lets just say it's not looking good for the 'nurture' theory.

    Race is real. Some of the ethnic groups on our planet have been separated until very recently by thousands of miles and tens of thousands of years. We aren't a homogenus species.


    Jim D below is wrong about IQ not having the status it used to have. A lot of the problems with the older tests like cultural and gender bias have been pretty much ironed out. IQ is a better indicator of your life outcome and earnings than social class (on average). You are better off being clever than posh .He's just remembering the fuss over the fifties IQ tests.

  10. Yes, but keep in mind the IQ test was designed by middle class white males. If we give a cat an IQ test, it will do poorly, If we test humans on the ability to identify a bird in flight calculate how fast to run and when and where to leap in the air to intercept that bird, we would starve to death. If you ask a while middle class male something they were taught in middle class schools they will do well. But ask them about a survival strategy that minority kids in the ghettos must calculate daily and they will do poorly, the reverse is what has shown the correlation - but keep in mind correlation is a numerical relationship nothing more. e.g. A correlation is that the more fire trucks that come to a fire the grater the damage - this is fact, but does this mean that when you call to report a house fire you would ask them to send only one truck to minimize the damage? No you what the fire out, the bigger the fire the more trucks needed. Correlations are not causation.

  11. Nope. Any apparent difference is solely due to the differences in available education.

  12. When Ellis Island was still open, people would get IQ tests right off the boat. It was really amazing - Italians, Spaniards, Eastern Europeans, Africans, they all did really bad. It must be because of their inferior race, right? (I love the fact that Italians and Irish, only to name a few, weren't considered European or Caucasian.) In the end they realized that it was because the new immigrants didn't understand English very well and of course all the tests were in English. People still use that today as proof that other races are not as intelligent.

    We have lived in a number of school districts, admittedly in the US, and the one big difference I have noticed between the 'good' districts and the 'bad' districts is how much time parents devote to their child's education. And that seems to depend to some degree on their socio-economic position. The wealthier a family is, the more time they have to devote to helping their children and volunteering in the district. The poorer a family is, the less time they have to spend with their kids. It doesn't matter what color their skin is.

  13. Tough one, read the Bell Curve By Robert Gordon a former sociology professor from Johns Hopkins.  It is a very controversial read, keep an open mind.

  14. Kevin Y has a very good and balanced answer. There is a correlation and we are not sure of the cause, basically, because some people ( you say their knee-jerk answers ) are so politically correct and ideologically blinded that we, as scientists, can not take a good look at the phenomenon.

  15. We Mexicanos are the Superior Nation

    One race= Humans.

    One Love, One Nation One God.

  16. Don't think so.  I heard this before from an old Asian when asked about how smart the kids were.  His reply was, not smarter, work harder.

  17. There is a correlation but I think that probably indicates problems in the IQ testing.  There are certain things such as lack of adequate English that can lower scores.  I personally think there might be slight differences between ethnic groups but generally it is more about valuing education IMO.

  18. It is an impossibility as race is not a biological distinction and intelligence has an equal possibility in any human.

  19. Yes, because some races are, on average, poorer than others. Richer races will have more access to education, and will thus be smarter, on average.

    As to actual abilities, I doubt there is any statistically significant difference.

  20. Nope

  21. The important thing to remember about this question, actually, is that correlation does not imply causality. There is a correlation between race and IQ. That has been proven in a large number of studies over the last 20 years. However, this does not imply the reason for the correlation is genetic or environmental or any other explanation; it simply means there is a pattern. It doesn't tell us why the pattern is there.

    A good example of this is provided by the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" folks; they point out there is a huge positive correlation between the number of pirates in the world and the average temperature of the world's oceans. As a joke, they conclude that global warming is thus due to a lack of pirates. In the same way, because individuals of Asian backgrounds typically score better on IQ tests than do folks of other ethnic backgrounds, we can not conclude that genetic differences are responsible for the difference. To do so would be the same as concluding that global warming is, in fact, due to a lack of pirates.

    At the same time, we do need to recognize that a difference does, in fact, exist. Writing off the differences as non-important or assuming that environmental differences are entirely responsible is just as wrong as assuming these studies provide evidence for genetic differences in IQ between races. Also, if we write the differences off, we are less likely to investigate why the differences exist and, if they are due to environmental differences, correct them.

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