I asked a question last night and only got one answer. So I am asking when more people are on the site.
The question has to do with peoples reactions to the topics of race and s*x in politics. Here is the question.
Why do you think I am a hater?
I just finished reading a post where someone asked if Bill Clinton did a better job giving a speech than Obama. In just a few minutes, two different people posted comments calling the poster a hater. Why? He asked a good question. You can bet your bottom dollar that months ago the national democratic party asked the same question. A good speaker is more likely to win-so it is natural that they ask this. They naturally want to support the canadate that has the best chance of winning. Does this mean that they are haters too?
I also see a lot of posts where people talk about Obama's wife. You know-the woman who has chosen to put herself in the spotlight to support her husband. In these posts if anyone states ANYTHING negative about her they are accused of being fearful of "a beautiful, black woman." Is this not the same as calling them racist, sexist, and fearful of good looking people?
Could it be that the people saying these things are attacking because they are against anyone who supports a white, or a male candidate? Would that not be the textbook definition of racism-opposing or attacking someone due to their race or s*x?
Am I way off base here?
What do you think? I really do want to hear your ideas. But please explain what you feel and why. Take more that 3-4 lines please!