
Raceism? I know everyone is not like this but rotten apples is what catches the most attention in the media.?

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Just wondering who is the real raceist?

white can't call black n**** but black can call white cracker, and make fun of them on tv, movies, and the internet. (I even starred that word so this wouldn't get reported)

we have a black history month but not a white, asian, indian, etc. month

if a black person works hard or is successfull in anything but sports he is not considered black anymore and is even shunned by friends and family and accused of trying to be white.

a white manager catches a white employee doing something wrong and fires them but when they catch the black employee doing the same thing and fires them it's because the manager is raceist.

a southerner is considered stupid because of their accent but ebonics was almost considered worthy of being taught in schools as a seprate language

I ask again who is the raceist?




  1. Neither.

    racism is a choice you are not bred into it.

    Basically your talking about something called POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION. Basically positive discrimination as an example is when a company makes the decision to make its next three hires or recruits either female or black or white etc. This is done to even out the current ethnic or gender balance in that company. So in essence you are discriminating by sectioning one group to hire but you are doing it positively to address a larger issue.

    Outside of that the biggest problem for people living in the US  (which i am assuming you are) is that you have a had such a vivid background of black slavery and human rights. Further more black rappers and musicians still bounce the N word around like no tomorrow so people will never forget. Here in the UK we have alot of black people residing in and out of cities and they would never keep promoting racial language by using the N word unfortunately American blacks like to put themselves down for some reason.

  2. The word racist is misunderstood over the last 20 years. Racist is someone who believes that one race is inferior to another through nature. Very few of them exist.

    Prejudice is when one is against someone because of what they are. White, Black, Asian....

    Biased is when one thinks someone is not equal through culture and behavior.

    I think you are speaking about prejudice; and yes the media bangs the drum to fan the fires and uses the wrong word to sell their baloney.

  3. You don't get it do you? You want it to be even but socially it's not even.

    You make it sound like blacks have the same status as whites. I've yet to see a colored president (perhaps soon), or ceo, manager for that matter.

    Until then, colored folks will and can continue to call whites cracka!

    You want a white history month when you've had a white millenium. Sheesh!

  4. I have better things to do than worry about who is calling someone these words. I also don't think it is ever moral (or wise) for a white person to call a black person the n word. I don't approve of black people who use the n word, but I understand that it's in a different CONTEXT. A black person using the n word as an insult to another black person doesn't happen. Never.

    Who cares about who is making fun of who? Just go and live your life.

    We have a black history month because masses of Africans were kidnapped, chained up, stuffed in boats with no food or water, and sent on a monthlong boat ride to North America. They were enslaved, beaten, tortured, and killed. For the freed slaves and their descendents to have come from that and contributed to the society that mistreated them deserves a history month.

    Your comment about black people not succeeding in the world aside from sports shows ignorance. Take a look around sometime. There are wealthy black people who came from poverty everywhere in big cities. What have you ever done, yourself? That is so worthy?

    I agree with you on one point. There is too much social pressure among the black youth to conform to the standards of underachievement. I don't think it's as widespread as people say, but it does happen.

    Southerners are not considered stupid. There is civility and hospitality in the south that the northerners envy.

    Ebonics taught in schools is a very complex concept. It has to do with helping kids who are used to ebonics-style communication to adapt to proper English in the workplace.

    It's a controversial subject.

  5. I agree with everything you just said.

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