
Rachel, Rachelle, Rachael?

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My friends and I are debating about which name looks better. It's either Rachel, Rachelle, or Rachael. I say Rachael because I think it's more interesting-- Rachel is too plain and Rachelle is too French. What do you think?




  1. I think Rachelle will be mispronouced as "Ra-shell" way too often. Go with either Rachel or Rachael.

  2. As my name is Rachel i always tried to spell my name different people always put an 'a' in my name and it's annoying cause thats not how it is spelt. For 3 years at school i spelt my name Rachell just to be different i think you should stick to Rachel.

  3. Rachel for sure...

  4. Yes, I agree with the others who are saying that Rachelle is pronounced entirely different from Rachel.

    Unlike most spelling variations, Rachael is just as classy and nice as Rachel. I think that Rachael gives off a more Scandinavian or old-fashioned feel while Rachel seems more simple and modern. I like both.

    It's your choice. I'd avoid Rachelle - it really isn't meant to be pronounced "ray-chul". Good luck. =)

  5. Rachael.

  6. I like it spelled Raychel.

    But i think Rachael is retarted because there is just no need for that extra A at all. To me, it makes it look like its more complicated to say.

  7. Rachel definately.  I don't think it's plain at all.

  8. Not Rachelle, thats just inane.

    I like Rachel. I met a Rachael about 4 years ago, and it was weird at first, very weird, but I actually got used to it, and now its odd to write it without the 'a'

    Although I don't like the name at all really, I would go for the traditional one, Rachel.

  9. I have 2 daughters (Alyssa and Arianna) - I would say Rachel because it's the way everyone spells it, but no matter how normal a name looks someone's bound to misspell it!!!

    EDIT: I was thinking about this all night!! lol...Well, all 3 are pronounced differently. Rachelle (Ra-Shell), Rachael (Ra-Kel) (Like Michael), and Rachel...I like Rachel, but if you're looking for the pronunciation of Rachael then try Raquel.

  10. Rachel. All the other ones would get miss spelled a lot. Rochelle is very french.

  11. Rachel-that's how my sister spells her name and she says that she rarely had anyone spell it wrong. Once in a while people would try to put that extra "a" in there but for the most part people spell it Rachel. Plus it wasn't ever mispronounced that way.

  12. Rachel is one of my favorite names.  I prefer standard spellings.  And I think Rachelle will be mispronounced.

  13. i like rachael too. its unique and original. and also very cute!!

  14. I say RACHAEL, because I know someone w/ that spelling.

    The French word is even pronounced differently; "SEXIER".

  15. im gonna have to go with rachel

    its mi name<3

  16. i like Rachael too

    it's pretty.

  17. I like Rachel. Simple and classic :)

  18. Rachael is the best name in the world!

  19. my name is Rachael and it is the best !

  20. rachel keep it simple i agree with the first lady who says rachelle will be mispronounced like rochelle,which is a cute name too.

    rachael i do not care for it,good luck!!!

  21. rachael. rachel is boring. rachelle doesnt look right

  22. I like Rachel.


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