
Rachel should of been in .......?

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BB 4 (one when cameron won yawnnnnnnnn) Dullest housemate ever with the dullest ever series of BB!!

Any ideas what they will show for her best bits?? talking to moths?




  1. A bit harsh Chucky!

  2. shes a nice enough girl, but I dont want to watch her on TV  

  3. i do agree this might not have been the best series of BB but i dont think you can call her the dullest housemate ever?

    maybe they'll show katreya and her singing maybe? idk

    answer mine =]?  

  4. I am not looking forward to her best bits, it will be all the screeching and oh my goshes, can't bare to think about it. It will be the disney fiasco and last night I will miss the spiders/tomato plants/cutlery I don't understand why she is so popular, that furrowed brow is getting a deep wrinkle, she hasn't done anything. I really don't want her or Mikie to win, the sympathy vote. I especially can't bare the screeching x

  5. No...I reckon Rachel will have some really good bits...It's a shame that people didn't take notice of her more closely.

    Mind you... all are truly the dullest BB house mates ever.  

  6. no rach is cool

  7. Lmao.

  8. true true

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