
Racial Classifications?

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If the terms Caucasoid, *******, and Mongoloid are no longer in scientific use, then why are they still used in the United States census to describe what "race" a person belongs to? For example not all Caucasians or at least those who are considered Caucasian originated from the Caucasus and/or Caucasus Mountains so why should the term Caucasian apply to them? Wouldn't that be an inaccurate way of describing what "race" that person and/or person's ancestors originated from?




  1. Caucasian=white mutt in today's eye. We will become the minority.

  2. Because It's a fairly recent development and the united states consensus is caught in a rather long lag

  3. Of course it's a wrong classification. How can any classification of race be valid in a society that is so mixed up. It is impossible to even say, if that is a true statement.. because we know so little about our ancestry. We still to this day, don't know how men Begin to split from africa and populate other regions of the world..  I would say your ancestry would be africa too.. but who knows...

  4. Anthropologists no longer recognize the idea of the conception of race or its social implications. We all belong to the same genus and species: homo sapiens. Within that species are minor variations, such as skin color, eyes, etc. The only race any of us belongs to is the human race.  

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