
Racial classification Do you believe in it or not What are your thoughts?

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My opinion on it is that is bullshiit

Heres why

UV- Rays come from the sun and give off Vitamin D to ours skin but mostly can cause us Skin problems such as skin cancer

Melanin is the color brown which the part of which is there to filter out UV - Rays depending on its density on your skin is the tone of your skin

We all have brown skin but different densities of melanin in our skin which is determined by our genes makes us have these different shades to the human eye.

no one is black or white

People who had ancestors who lived near the equator regions for over 50,000 years where it is annually summer and the UV ray exposure is high developed dense amounts of melanin resulting in an obvious to dark brown skin tone. As they needed more melanin to protect the skin

Peoples who had ancestors who lived in regions of temperate climate of an annual change from summer to winter and overall less UV ray exposure ie northern developed sparse amounts of melanin resulting in a pale brown skin tone to tanned which does not even look brown to the human eye but make you think pink or white. This is because the sunlight exposure was less hence lower UV ray exposure and Vitamin D which is needed so sparser melanin allowed the little UV rays to penatrate the skin and allow the vvital Vitamin D needed.

People with dense melanin age slower and have more protection from skin problems

People with sparse melanin age quicker and are more prone to skin problems ie skin cancer

Where does this have anything to do with personalities attitudes behaviors language body language intelligence and morality.

I dont care if you do chose to racially classify but to think its more than just a classification of skin tones makes me wonder how stupid you are

Otherwise can you show me facts that prove Racial classification has more to it?




  1. Nothing.

    I hate the idea of dividing us up into little boxes according to the colour of our skin.

  2. its just a way to divide us.

  3. 'Racial' classification is completely arbitrary.  There are no significant differences genetically - they are only superficial differences in physical characteristics.

  4. Your racists  

  5. Racial classification is one thing that actually encourages racism & reinforces stereotypes.

    There is only one race, the Human Race.

    We are all the same but different.  Sad that the majority are unable to grasp this simple concept.

  6. I agree, race is a social construct,not a biologocal one, ethnicities differ by cultural practices, race is an idea that was developed by  people who wish to dominate other human beings, all humans share 99.9% identical genes, we all come from the same source.

  7. Have you heard of albinos who have no melanin ? Many albinos are born to parents with dark skins.

    Where does that leave your reasoning ?

  8. Yes...Lets me know who is and who isnt of African descent

  9. SimoN says

    vote BNP

  10. I would argue that there is more to racial classifcation than just skin colour.  "Typical" Afro Carribean features are different to "typical" Caucasian features.  Hair types are also different.  Archaeologists have been able to tell whether 1,000s year old skulls found in Spain were "Moorish" (ie African origin) people or European (Spanish) people just from the shape of the bones because they differ so much.

    Although I agree that you can't just categorise someone as "black" when you consider the vast differences between, for eg, Somalian people, Nigerian people, Sudanese people, Ethopian people etc, yes they all have very dark skin but their features, body shapes and so forth are all very very unique.  And "white" people differ too.  Nordic types (Scandinavians) are different to Meditteraen types and so forth.  Black or White is too general a label.

    I agree that we are all the same inside, but there are groups of people who look like each other and look different from other groups (ie you can usually recognise a person as being, for eg, Somalian because of the shape of their features and body shape) and a lot of this is tied up to culture, people are "proud" to be Indian, Pakistani, French, Dutch, whatever.  So in some ways its hard to do away with, without doing away with a big part of peoples' identity.

    I agree that racial classification is misused however, when people say things like "why are BLACK people" like this or "why do WHITE people do this", you can't generalise about an entire race like that.  More often than not its a cultural thing they are referring to, not a "racial" one.

  11. youre a decent bloke, and I respect you. What you have said in your question details is probably true, i haven't read all that up etc but I'm somewhat aware of it.

    The simple fact is, to grossly simplify everything you have said incase others miscontrue the facts, is that we're all of the same species.

    There are not only the factors above that make us look different, but also thousands of years of evolution from our own ancestors. White, Black Asian people probably didnt live that near to each other all those years ago,  which is why there are physical characteristics/attributes other than how much melanin one has in their skin to distinguish between us.

    Tigers are Lions are from the Felidae kingdom,  cats.  You think putting a horde of Tigers with Lions would bring harmonics ? no chance.  Differences even between entities within the same species lurks.  Thankfuly animals haven't gone to war over religious differences or 'skin colour' , which says a lot about todays world we live - where you only need to look at the behaviour of the Islamic world and how they have found it uber hard to live in peace with others for thousands of years.

    We'll move on though.  Those who modernised faster took advantage of those who didn't,  colonisation and slavery became the norm.

    This was nothing to do with colour, rather, intelligence and development.

    Other races evolved faster than others, and consequently the Africans bore the brunt of slavery sad as it may be, but thats how it worked.  

    Today is a different story altogether, and there illiterate people all over the planet not just in the developing world.

    To suggest that we abolish racial categorisation is stupid and ignorant.  A black man cannot deny he is black, an asian can't deny he is asian and a white person cant deny theyre white.  Those are the blatant physical characteristics within us,  melanin differences or not,   this melanin thing you brought up doesn't (in my personal opinion) even begin to scratch the surface of the issue, which might be 'why did europeans excel and the others didnt ?'

    If you want the answer in a nutshell to the above ^ its because through colonisation and global expansion, they conqured, ruled countless foreign lands - stole their knowledge, wealth and ideas and refined them and made them their own.

    I do think we are different in ancestorial/ethnic heritage, but more importantly we are one big race - the human race.

    Greed, Jelousy, envy,  hatred, love, remorse,  pity, humour, sorrow....tell me which human being from w/e ethnic group DOESNT harbour the above.  (although Muslim terrorists might harbour more hatred than other human beings it COULD be argued...)

    good question though mate.

  12. I agree with you.

    It is totally illogical and yet the vast majority of the World adhere to this way of thinking. It is a social and political construct rooted in maintaining the status quo whereby a small number of people control the largest proportion of wealth.

    I could go on for a long time as I feel very strongly about this issue, but will sum it all up by saying that I think that it is in the interests of those at the highest points within a capitalist society to divide people along racial, class and gender lines.

  13. If your question boils down to:

    "Where does this have anything to do with personalities attitudes behaviors language body language intelligence and morality"  ?

    Then my answer is that it doesn't and shouldn't.

    I would like to see all of the irrelevant classifications that people use to assign generalizations and prejudices to other simply erased. But there are a lot of people in this world whose addiction to essentialism and categories (race, gender, orientation, etc) prevents them from getting this concept.

  14. But if a Northern person lives in a Northern climate he/she mostly won't get a skin cancer or even age earlier. But a fair skin provides a person a vitamin D better than a dark skin. Like a black person catches a cold (and other illnesses like that easier in a North climate because of lack of sun.

    That's  not a racism but a human adaptation to different environment types.  

  15. 1) I also think racial classification for things like jobs, university, schools, etc are also really stupid. You should only do this when something like a poll or census is carried out.

    2) You are wrong. Race is a lot more than skin colour. A lot more. Black people can as light as a South American person in America and still be considered black.

    Indians and Sri Lankans are very dark, dark as Africans yet they are not African. So get your facts straight here, race is not only skin colour but other things as well.  

  16. i think other intelligent people like yourself will understand this....but alot won't or will refuse to consider it a possibility.  

  17. Racial classification is something which has been prevalent since the days of WWII, where it was noted that you could tell a Jew by measuring the distance between his nose and his upper lip, or somewhere along those lines. American scientists during the 60's noted that Blacks were "sub-human" to Whites, which is one reason why they promoted Black Segregation. Such beliefs, among a countless array of others, have passed down today, especially with the older scientists that believe that "Races" are not on an even playing field and that we are born with the personality/attitude/likes/dislikes in accordance to our "race". People tend to say that Religion is the fuel towards the downfall of society, but Science just as so. Without Science, Hitler among many other demonic fascists, could not have "proved" their "theories" that different groups of people were on the lower pyramid of a certain area of field.

  18. I agree with u.

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