
Racial differences?

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Isn't the fact that forensic scientists can tell whether or not a person's skull belonged to a white or black or Asian or whatever race proof that there are differences between races?




  1. have you watched the face of britain on the internet i have i seen on channel 4 the difference between a celtic skull and a anglo saxon the celts had a rounder face and squarer jawline then the anglo saxons  the anglo saxons had a line on there chin and a longer face than the celts

    check this website

  2. The fact of the matter is : They cannot tell the difference, the only difference is in their own colour prejudiced minds, including the ones here who take that view.

  3. This should certainly count as a big clue.

  4. Superficial differences.

    We're all one species.

    Furthermore, there's no way to divide humanity into a set of exhaustive and exclusive racial groups.

  5. Yes there are differences in skull shape, limb length.etc. But is is like different breads of dogs. They all started out from wolves, but can, being of the same species, Chihuahua or Great Dane, interbreed. Human pigmentation has more to do with climate that amount of melanin cells. Dark skin to protect from tropical sun, white skin to readily absorb vitamin D in colder climes. Genetically we are all related  by mitochondrial  DNA that we inherit from our mothers all the way back to the very first human.

  6. A lot of forensic anthropologists take just that stance-that race is real. It's more the social anthropologists that say 'no such thing as race'. They don't have to deal with the biological differences on a regular basis.

    The American anthropological society released a 'race isn't real' statement, but didn't point out that more than half of their members disagreed with it.

    A majority of forensic anthropologists support race, more so in Europe. A university surveyed anthropology PhDs once about ten years ago to find out.

  7. The subject is called Physical Anthropology. It is all statistics. Cranial (Skull) measurements & such anthropometric studies give some indication of the race to which the possessor of the skull belongs to. Based on Cephalic index human race (Order: Primate, Family: Hominidae, Genus: Homo) as one species is split into 3 primary categories - Caucasian, African & Mongoloid. Its Geographical basis is largely due to  lack of mobility of humans in the past. As a term 'Race' is becoming less and less scientific. With 100% certainty none can say that. with a very thin scientific base this knowledge is applied largely in Police/Forensic work. Also its excessive use or abuse defeated the purpose of categorisation. Purity of a person's race is a fuzzy variable. In the present day inter-racial mix of drastically different races like Caucasian (European)-African it becomes a statistical challenge. Cultural Anthropology made heavy inroads and along with lack of comprehension (and outright ignorance) dominates the decision process. spurred more and more by it, there is  sub-classification as 'Latinos vs Anglos'. The term Asian is a gross misnomer. The continent of Asia with almost sixty percent of human population and a cauldron of races has incorrectly been classed as one category 'Asians' . The classifier has Chinese, Koreans or Vietnamese in his mind ignoring a host of Caucasian races. Check whether a Buryat (Lake Baikal), Anatolian, Baloch or Balinese - all Asians share any traits with Chinese/Japanese/Koreans. 'Asians' as one category is purely a local North American phenomenon and never can be global.

    Other studies might replace the present concepts of 'Race'. A strong base can be built up through DNA studies. Genomics shows that no two human beings are the same genetically (except biological twins and clones). Human Genome Project was concluded recently. Nearly 25,000 genes & 3billion nucleotides (base pairs) have been mapped. It exceeded the 95% target and achieving 99.99% with the last of 23 pairs of chromosomes completed by May, 2006. It should throw light on whether the age old classification is OK or old theories needs tweaking or should be thrown away. Last but not the least aim of this project is to address ELSI (Ethical Legal & Social Issues). Already DNA fingerprinting is being routinely used for Forensic purpose all over the world. Now the 'Race' criterion is left in the ken of immigration departments who play with the racial type-casting as the state supports them. But it can not stand scrutiny for lack of scientific support. Cultural aspect comes to the fore and may be much more valid.
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