
Racial remark. What do I do?

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Sorry if this doesn't make much sense but I'm shaken up. I was at the gas station and the gas station attendants were talking about Obama. They were looking at me for my reaction and all I said was "I don't like the guy. He changed his story too much so I don't know what to think of him".

This older, white guy starts talking that he doesn't like Obama either and says to me "I'm not racist. I just hate them all". I'm sitting in my car with my jaw dropping not knowing what to say. THEN she says "I hope he goes into office so he gets assassinated".

My jaw dropped to the ground. I just went WOW. I didn't know what to say. All I could say was "Well, I hope that doesn't happen. I may not like his views but I don't wish that on him" and the guy walked away. Meanwhile, this black attendant that I have seen there for years was looking in my direction with this hateful angry look.

Okay, I am offended and very angry. First of all, I feel like this guy assumed I am racist because I am white and I don't like Obama. I am angry because this guy had no right to say this to me and he should keep his racist remarks to himself.

I have been going to this gas station for years. I don't know what to do. I feel like I should speak to the manager and tell the manager what happened. What do you think I should do?

I'm very shaken up by this and I can't help but feel angry. This was out of line and personally, a very sick thing to say.




  1. Some people are racist, what I hate as a McCain supporter is being lumped in with them. It is a two way street, however.  There are many blacks that are not especially enamored of whites.  This sort of behavior by either side does not foster love and understanding.  It is a shame.

  2. I can understand how you feel. I am a veteran and once at college a guy at the smoking area looked in my direction and told me that he didn't feel sorry for the American service members that have died in the recent war, he said they all deserve to die.

    Understandably, I was outraged. I honestly wanted to punch him in the face.

    But unfortunately all that we can do is look at these ignorant people in pity and horror. They are full of hate and feel the need to share their black heart with others.

    Just walk away from people like that. It doesn't matter what we say to them, we can't change them. And it is one of our fundamental rights to say whatever we want to, no matter how evil it is.

    Instead of hitting the ignorant boy at the college I simply told him that it was the deaths of these brave men and women that afforded him to have the freedom to say such hateful things.

    I reported him, and he was booted from school for a few days, but when he returned he was as racist and hateful as he was before. (Yes, he was a self-proclaimed "communist" although I don't think he knew what he was talking about, and he hated all Americans and all who were not "white European" by his definition)

    So...we just have to shake our heads and walk away.

  3. why are you shocked.  its a persons point of view. let them have it. you cant control it or let it bother you.  I wish alot of people were dead. say...the people that planned the world trade center bombing, the taliban, osama bin laden, etc.   I dont think its bad to wish someone was dead.  Wishing the president was is a bit much i agree.  But pay for your diet coke and gas and move on with it.  I dont think you have a right in this country to not get offended.  

  4. I feel like the black attendant probably thought you were racist because you didn't respond outwardly against what the white attendant said about Obama.

    Really, he was probably more frustrated with his co-worker than he was with you.  And management is probably aware of the character of the people they have hired.

    I don't think you need to pursue this any further, although it sounds like a bad, awkward, and all-around frustrating experience.  People are dumbasses.  When people say stuff like that about Obama, my jaw drops too - I don't understand how some people's thought processes work!!!!  I feel your pain girl.

  5. Honestly, I would hesitate to be confrontational in these situations no matter what.  There are people who are racists and feel the need to speak to it and there are those so opinionated they feel everyone should hear them.  It may not be right or it may not be easy to hear but it's better to walk away from such fools than to engage.  Those types don't care if you are offended and nothing you say will change their minds.  

  6. Any one who wishes anyone else death has to have a sick mind and twisted values.

    I don't think that you have to talk to the manager, just the let gas station attendant know that your not like that man. Make a joke, like, "that man the other day, sure was crazy" and she will probably agree and see that you dont agree with him.

    Dont worry too much, theres a lot of those people everywhere, its called being closed minded and pessimistic.  

  7. maybe he wasnt talking about being black, maybe he was talking about being a politician.  i hate them all too.

  8. Wow; and to think this is going on all over the country.  I would not frequent the gas station any more, even if it means driving out of my way; and here's why:

    Hit them where it hurts; in the pocketbook.

    Sincerely, you sound like an very intelligent, kind and well read person.  Unfortunately these kinds of idiots are not going to change overnight.  It's actually terrible that racism still exists to this day.  

    If you got involved, what would come of it?  These guys being more upset and maybe tracking you down for revenge?  Don't do it.

    Also on another note, I'm an intuitive\medium, and let me tell you; I've seen things recently that have scared the cr** out of me.  What I mean by seeing is that I can see into the future as if I'm experiencing it.  Things are going to get much more worse than they are right now.  I fear for our society, as what you experienced will be done ten fold and very soon.  The nearing election is frightening to me, as many things will be revealed and the world I am afraid to say, will never be the same again.

    So again I would not give them my business.  You handled yourself with respect, gave respect where there was none, and your comment to him was well put, and done without hatred, and based on fact...  Their comments were based from rage.

    Hatred is a tough thing in any capacity.  I think you did what you needed to do to keep yourself safe.  

  9. Mccain changes his stories to it's what politicians do. But he's got the right wing talk radio crowd beating the bushes brainwashing folks for him. Why doesn't he talk about what HE'S going to do to get the country back on track?  

  10. Complain to the manager that is well out of order.

  11. Maybe you shouldn't talk to random people then?

  12. Well first off I think you should talk to the black guy, so he doesn't think your racist (he could have probably he heard just part of the conversation and thought that you agreed, so clear that up with him immediately). But I don't think you should tell the manager. What's he gonna do? Unless the jerk that said that said he was gonna try to do it himself, there's no point in really telling the manager or police or anything like that. I have to deal with racist people where I live too (i'm black, and i moved to this very small town in Pennsylvania called Kunkletown...the hicks around here can be very racist), and I just say stuff back and deal with it.

    There's really nothing you can do but talk to the black guy that gave you that have every right to be mad.

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